• Hi,

    I have to say that the instructions to get the timeline JS working are very very complex. and I am finding it rather hard to install something, which actually seems so easy (with some Amateur CSS knowledge). I would be very grateful, If you could write a simple walkthrough for people to use this amazing work you have created.
    Step by Step. for JSON.

    My problem So far I have –

    1.I installed the Timeline Plugin
    2. I installed the JSON API
    3. I Made a timeline.php copying and pasting the text as it is and put in the JSON plugin folder under controller. as mentioned here by Miguel Peixe https://pastebin.com/SwbT2J9A

    But I do not know where to paste the code that is here https://timeline.verite.co/#format-json

    because after uploading the timeline.php I get this on the JSON settings page under “timeline” as new controller option. along with the entire code pasted above the controller menu that seems to have the error.
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/indianme/public_html/wp-content/plugins/json-api/singletons/api.php on line 186

    can anyone help?


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