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  • Same problem for me. Please advise ASAP! Thanks.

    Thread Starter karinabarbosa


    hi there! in my case, the problem was i had customized the dark border color of my blog theme to white, and as my background color is also white, the buttons could not be seen. i only had to channge the color, now is working perfect ?? hope that helps

    No, it does not solve it. Actually, my problem is that the plugin shows up like this:
    “Subscribe to Receive New Blog Posts:

    – You can actually see it say “[subscribe2]” where the action is supposed to be.

    Plugin Author ramon fincken


    Hi there, thanks for reporting.

    1) (just to be sure)
    Did you all install Subscribe2 by activating the plugin?

    2) What does the output of using the shortcode
    in any post or page show? Does that also result in just [subscribe2] being shown, or a signup form?

    3) What is your site URL?

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