If you are referring to the problem with the twitter box, this is how you fix it:
Add the following code to the style.css
of your ‘CHILDtheme’.
#dd_ajax_float {
text-align: left; /*play around with this value*/
element {
position: absolute;
top: 529px; /*play around with this value*/
left: -490px; /*play around with this value*/
display: block;
ALWAYS Make a backup of your site, before making any changes!!
- Use FTP to backup the files.
- Make sure to also backup your database.
- Use a childtheme to make the changes in:
Don’t make any changes to a theme itself. Instead make the changes to a childtheme. Should the author of your original theme update the theme, your changes will not be overwritten. Your site with your adaptations will remain intact.
Suggestion: use the ‘one click childtheme plugin’.
- Installed the childtheme? Now activate it.
Check if things look ‘normal’.
- Use FTP to access the files of your site and it’s childtheme.
- Use NOTEPAD++ or proper EDITOR [not wordprosessor] to edit css and php.
- To make the changes in the CHILDtheme:
– copy php files / css-file(s) of the original theme [as required] to the childtheme directory and edit them as required.