• I am using WP SEO by Yoast (1.4.6) and WordPress (3.5.1). My sitemap in Google Webmaster tool keep vanishing and it starts showing ’0′ URL submitted every now and then. When i click on this section to go into detail, i find “/sitemap_index.xml” as “Pending”.

    It happens most of the time in a week and i have to resubmit it again and again. What is the solution to this?

    Secondly when i search my site in Google, it shows updated time as 2 or 3 or sometimes 4 days ago whereas, the site is updated every day. This is all happening since i have installed WP SEO by Yoast. Prior to this, it was working fine with All In One SEO. I converted to your plugin after reading your article.

    I hope i will get a solution from you Joost….


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