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  • Plugin Author vicchi


    OK, let’s start at the start. Please read this sticky post on the plugin’s forums (it’s sticky for a reason) and then post back with the information it asks for.

    Also, how are you creating paragraphs in the biography … as plain text with blank lines, as HTML enclosed in paragraph tags, as HTML with break tags, or something else?


    Thread Starter findlay62



    Thanks – have tried everything including adding php as prescribed to function.php file, entering plain text and text with <p></p> for the paragraphs plus deactivating all plugins but still no paragraphs!

    Any other ideas?



    Plugin Author vicchi


    I’ll do what I can to help but I still need the information I asked for in my previous post and which is detailed in this forum’s sticky post … there’s just not enough information here for me to start to work out what the problem is.

    If you can let me have that information I can start to look into this and to hopefully find a solution.


    Thread Starter findlay62


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    [user_login] => Stephen Betchen
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    Plugin Author vicchi


    Thanks … and plugin version, WordPress version, theme name, download link and version, publicly viewable URL too?


    Thread Starter findlay62



    Thank you. Here’s the info except the download link. This is a Premium WordPress theme called Evolve Pro so can’t give you download link. However here’s the download link for the free version (Evolve) .

    WPBiographia = 3.3.1
    Wordpress = 3.5.1
    Theme (Evolve Pro) = 2.4.3
    Website url =



    Thread Starter findlay62


    Gary something went wrong there so here we go again:
    Here’s the info except the download link. This is a Premium WordPress theme called Evolve Pro so can’t give you download link. However here’s the download link for the free version (Evolve)

    WPBiographia = 3.3.1
    Wordpress = 3.5.1
    Theme (Evolve Pro) = 2.4.3
    Website url =



    Plugin Author vicchi


    OK. I’ve managed to replicate this using the free version of Evolve. As an aside, that free download link isn’t really free (at least to my mind, sharing a social media link to unlock doesn’t count as free but maybe I’m being picky) but the theme is also in the WordPress Themes Directory so I was able to download and install it.

    Firstly, you’ll need to add the following code to your theme’s functions.php; place this at the end of this file, just before the closing ?> PHP tag.

    This file will probably be somewhere like /wp-content/themes/evolve-pro/function.php.

    Secondly, go into your user’s profile and mark up the biography text to use the HTML paragraph text, so something along the lines of this …

    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ornare bibendum massa, sed tristique nulla sollicitudin ornare. Curabitur et nisi ut est suscipit sodales et sed nisl. Cras mi orci, volutpat ac euismod a, placerat commodo quam. Nunc ac justo sem, vel posuere libero. Ut pulvinar dui posuere enim dictum gravida. Nunc nisl nibh, pretium quis ullamcorper semper, pretium eget purus.</p>
    <p>Sed aliquet eros sit amet dui facilisis nec iaculis ante viverra. Morbi auctor ullamcorper leo, nec placerat metus tincidunt in. Curabitur sed orci eget libero convallis pretium. Proin nec dignissim nunc.</p>

    … will be split into two paragraphs. Save your user profile changes and navigate in your browser to a post which has a Biography Box on it from WP Biographia; say this post for example –

    You should now have paragraphs in your biography text.


    Thread Starter findlay62


    Gary, you said add the following code just before the closing ?>PHP tag at the end of the functions.php file but you haven’t provided the code.



    Plugin Author vicchi


    It’s not even noon here yet it feels like it’s been a long day. Here’s the code you need to add to your functions.php.

    remove_filter('pre_user_description', 'wp_filter_kses');
    add_filter('pre_user_description', 'wp_filter_post_kses');
    add_filter('pre_user_description', 'wptexturize');
    add_filter('pre_user_description', 'wpautop');
    add_filter('pre_user_description', 'convert_chars');
    add_filter('pre_user_description', 'balanceTags', 50);

    Sorry about that. I read and re-read that post before hitting submit and still didn’t spot the lack of code.


    Thread Starter findlay62



    Thank you very much – works perfectly now! Hope the day gets better for you!



    Plugin Author vicchi


    Great! Glad it all works for you.


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