• I’m using Columnizer to make a grid of links to anchors on a page but a tag is being inserted in each column as follows:

    <div class="first column" style="width:25%; float: left;">
    <a href="#centres">MGCC Centres</a>

    Here’s how I’m doing the columns in Text view in the TinyMCE editor:

    MGCC Centres
    MGCC Registers
    Other MG Clubs

    I’ve tried putting all the links on one line but that just makes them appear in one line on the page.

    I’ve searched all the Columnizer PHP and JS files but there’s no tag in any of them. Any idea how I can get rid of it?


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  • wpismypuppet


    This is actually a problem with the way WordPress adds <p> tags around shortcodes through wpauto. I use this fix, which I placed at the bottom of columnizer.php.

    //Clean Up WordPress Shortcode Formatting - important for nested shortcodes
    //adjusted from https://donalmacarthur.com/articles/cleaning-up-wordpress-shortcode-formatting/
    function parse_shortcode_content( $content ) {
       /* Parse nested shortcodes and add formatting. */
        $content = trim( do_shortcode( shortcode_unautop( $content ) ) );
        /* Remove '' from the start of the string. */
        if ( substr( $content, 0, 4 ) == '' )
            $content = substr( $content, 4 );
        /* Remove '' from the end of the string. */
        if ( substr( $content, -3, 3 ) == '' )
            $content = substr( $content, 0, -3 );
        /* Remove any instances of ''. */
        $content = str_replace( array( '<p></p>' ), '', $content );
        $content = str_replace( array( '<p>  </p>' ), '', $content );
        return $content;
    //move wpautop filter to AFTER shortcode is processed
    remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
    add_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' , 99);
    add_filter( 'the_content', 'shortcode_unautop',100 );

    What is essentially does is removes WordPress’s auto formatting for the shortcode only, then adds it back so the rest of the content (between the [fourcolumns][/fourcolumns]) gets the formatting back.

    I am going to send this to the author of the plugin and maybe it’ll make it into the next update.

    Thanks for this, definitely should go into the plugin.

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