Ok, so here’s the thing, these are existing mime types for mp3:
audio/mpeg, audio/x-mpeg, audio/mp3, audio/x-mp3, audio/mpeg3, audio/x-mpeg3, audio/mpg, audio/x-mpg, audio/x-mpegaudio
If you put everything from this list into the filter it should work. Check out the sample below.
add_filter( 'fu_allowed_mime_types', 'my_fu_allowed_mime_types' );
function my_fu_allowed_mime_types( $mime_types ) {
// Array keys should be unique
// To include all mime-types we use this workaround
// Part after | could be anything as long as it's unique
$mime_types['mp3|mp3-am'] = 'audio/mpeg';
$mime_types['mp3|mp3-xam'] = 'audio/x-mpeg';
// Include the rest of mp3 mimes
$mime_types['wav'] = 'audio/wav';
return $mime_types;
Let me know if it works. Even if it works ??