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  • Plugin Author Chouby


    This does not work in current 1.0.3 but should work correctly in the current development version (

    Thread Starter miguelcortereal


    Doesn’t work 100% correctly yet.

    As I write this I’m having issues with pages templates.

    For example search template does the query in the apropriate language but meta titles never get translated, it keeps using what is defined at yoast plugin for Search page title page.

    The same for taxonomies and page not found.

    Plugin Author Chouby


    Yes I confirm. I thought that beeing compatible with wpml-config.xml would be sufficient but it is not. My tests were not complete enough. Digging into WordPress SEO code source, I discovered that the options are loaded only one time, and this is done before the language is set by Polylang. This explains why it does not work.

    Setting the language sooner is possible (only) when adding the language code to all urls. I worked on this and got what I think is a working prototype, but I am not ready to mix this with the current development branch of 1.0.x. So I will include it only in 1.1.

    If you are adventurous and want to test it now, please let me know. I can paste the code on pastebin. Do you know how to apply a diff?

    Thread Starter miguelcortereal


    I’ve never applied a diff, maybe I can do it now.

    I won’t be that much adventurous the site is under construction, so I’ll be fine.

    Put the code on Pastebin.

    Plugin Author Chouby


    Forget the diff. I put the whole core.php in

    You can replace the current core.php from by this one. The changes will not be applied to 1.0.x but in 1.1

    Thread Starter miguelcortereal


    Still not returning meta titles at proper language.

    I’ve replaced core.php code by the one pasted at pastebin, is there anything else to change ?

    Plugin Author Chouby


    Did you choose to add the language code to all urls in Polylang settings? It won’t work if you choose to set the language from the content.

    Thread Starter miguelcortereal


    I did choose to add the language code to all urls in Polylang settings and no way.

    Plugin Author Chouby


    So I will go on working on this for v1.1

    Plugin Author Chouby


    I just uploaded the first development version of Polylang 1.1. I would be glad if you could test it and tell me if it improves the situation.

    Thread Starter miguelcortereal


    I’ve been testing it.

    Yoast breadcrumbs are working fine, but meta titles are still handled by Yoast plugin.

    The same happens with another plugin I have, some of the strings (not all) never get translation. Those strings are single entries of wp-options table, are included at my wpml-config.xml file and show up at polylang settings.

    If you think useful to give you the credentials of the site, I will, so that you can better reproduce these issues, just let me know how can I send them for you.

    Thread Starter miguelcortereal



    I’ve just got it working.

    If I include all Yoast wp_option table keys at wpml-config.xml file it starts working, by being included at polylang strings theme’s group.

    wordpress-seo strings group has the same keys like it had before which brings a duplication.

    This confirms that those keys included at wordpress-seo group never get to action, but they do if in the theme.

    However, the strings from the other plugin that don’t want to work are also assigned to the theme group.

    Thread Starter miguelcortereal


    Not sure if it’s important but my wpml-config.xml file is in child theme folder.

    Plugin Author Chouby


    Sorry. There is something I don’t understand. Do you mean that it does not works if you keep the wpml-config.xml of WordPress SEO as is, but it works if you copy the same file in your theme directory ?

    Thread Starter miguelcortereal


    By default without adding any wpml-config.xml file, wordpress seo strings show up at admin polylang settings to enter each language translation. It turns that it doesn’t work.

    But if you add them at wpml-config.xml it works.

    As a result these Yoast wp-option fields show up at polylang settings twice. The originals, the ones from the plugin integration with Yoast are in wordpress seo group, the ones added at wpml-config.xml file show up at theme’s group. These mentioned groups show up at first column of the table of the admin polylang settings.

    All I had to do was leave alone the wordpress seo group and set my meta titles translation at theme group.

    Here’s my wpml-config.xml file saved at child theme folder:

    		<key name="wp_cart_title" />
    		<key name="wp_cart_empty_text" />
    		<key name="addToCartButtonName" />
    		<key name="cart_return_from_paypal_url" />
    		<key name="cart_products_page_url" />
    		<key name="cart_checkout_page_url" />
    		<key name="pitch_theme_settings">
    			<key name="front_page_portfolio_home" />
    			<key name="front_page_cta_text" />
    			<key name="front_page_cta_button_text" />
    			<key name="front_page_cta_button_url" />
    			<key name="front_page_home_blog" />
    			<key name="front_page_home_title_latest_projects" />
    			<key name="front_page_home_title_blog" />
    			<key name="front_page_home_title_clients" />
    			<key name="project_tags" />
    			<key name="project_archive_title" />
    			<key name="project_view_text" />
    			<key name="project_url_slug" />
    			<key name="type_project" />
    			<key name="type_feature" />
    			<key name="type_client" />
    			<key name="type_slide" />
    			<key name="text_footer_text" />
    			<key name="text_search_placeholder" />
    			<key name="text_comments_closed" />
    			<key name="text_not_found" />
    			<key name="general_demo_mode" />
    			<key name="general_search_input" />
    			<key name="general_menu_extras" />
    			<key name="general_topbar_menu" />
    			<key name="general_scale_main_menu" />
    		<key name="wpseo_titles">
    			<key name="title-skill" />
    			<key name="title-category" />
    			<key name="title-post_tag" />
    			<key name="title-author" />
    			<key name="title-archive" />
    			<key name="title-search" />
    			<key name="title-404" />
    			<key name="title-ptarchive-project" />
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