Thanks Daniel,
There is nothing listed in the Backups, just this message…
“No files could be found. (List will be generated during next backup.)”
No files were saved to the DropBox. I ran the backup manually and it said everything went OK, here is the log file (I changed the real user and site name)…
[INFO] BackWPup version 3.0.6; WordPress version 3.5.1; A project of Inpsyde GmbH developed by Daniel Hüsken
[INFO] This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
[INFO] BackWPup job: sitename-backup; DBDUMP+FILE+WPEXP+WPPLUGIN
[INFO] BackWPup cron: 0 3 1 * *; Mon, 25 Mar 2013 @ 13:32
[INFO] BackWPup job started manually
[INFO] PHP ver.: 5.2.17; apache2handler; Linux
[INFO] Maximum script execution time is 30 seconds
[INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.0.95
[INFO] curl ver.: 7.15.5; OpenSSL/0.9.8b
[INFO] Temp folder is: /home/username/webapps/sitename/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-fa01c-temp/
[INFO] Logfile folder is: /home/username/webapps/sitename/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-aca35-logs/
[INFO] Backup type is: archive
[INFO] Backup file is: /home/username/webapps/sitename/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-fa01c-temp/backwpup_47a49b_2013-03-25_13-32-15.tar.gz
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:15] 1. Try to dump database …
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:15] Connected to database username_sitename on localhost
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:15] Dump database table “wp_commentmeta”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:15] Dump database table “wp_comments”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:15] Dump database table “wp_links”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:15] Dump database table “wp_onclick_popup_plugin”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:15] Dump database table “wp_options”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:15] Dump database table “wp_postmeta”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:15] Dump database table “wp_posts”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_rg_form”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_rg_form_meta”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_rg_form_view”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_rg_lead”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_rg_lead_detail”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_rg_lead_detail_long”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_rg_lead_meta”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_rg_lead_notes”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_term_relationships”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_term_taxonomy”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_terms”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_usermeta”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Dump database table “wp_users”
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Added database dump “username_sitename.sql” with 2.84 MB to backup file list
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] Database dump done!
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:16] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:22] 33 folders to back up.
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:22] 1. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:22] Added XML export “sitename.wordpress.2013-03-25.xml” with 340.62 kB to backup file list.
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:22] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:22] Added plugin list file “sitename.pluginlist.2013-03-25.txt” with 2.00 kB to backup file list.
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:22] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
[25-Mar-2013 13:32:22] Compression method is TarGz
[25-Mar-2013 13:33:20] Job done in 65 seconds.
Any advice is appreciated, I really like the interface and what this plugin is potentially capable of.
Thank you!