Staff index to use as anchor links
Hi —
Ran into two issues that I decided to address through a new function rather than trying to modify SSLP. The first was that I wanted a staff index at the top of the staff listing page that would provide links to individual staff members, since it’s a long list with relatively long bios. The second was that I wanted that index to include names only, without the professional degrees that I included in the name field (after concluding it would take too much time to add a separate field for those).
Posting it below in case it’s of use to anyone. It’s basically an adaptation of SSPL’s user-view-show-staff-list.php. I’m not an advanced php writer, so there may be a more elegant way to do this — but it works. It assumes that an anchor using the staff-name-slug has been included in the SSPL default template.
I assume I could also have done this using the multiple template approach someone else offered, but this seemed a bit simpler for my needs. Eager to hear if I totally overlooked a simpler method that already existed…
function get_staff_index($atts) { // Initialize variables $group = ''; $order = ''; extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'single' => 'no', 'group' => '', 'wrap_class' => '', 'order' => 'ASC', ), $atts)); // Get data outside of sslp template $default_tags = get_option('_staff_listing_default_tags'); $default_formatted_tags = get_option('_staff_listing_default_formatted_tags'); $output = ''; $group = strtolower($group); $group_class = str_replace(' ', '-', $group); //added to avoid spaces in class $order = strtoupper($order); $staff = ''; /** * Set up our WP_Query */ $args = array('post_type' => 'staff-member', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'post_status' => 'publish'); // Check user's 'order' value if ($order != 'ASC' && $order != 'DESC') { $order = 'ASC'; } // Set 'order' in our query args $args['order'] = $order; // Check user's 'group' value $group_terms = get_sslp_terms('staff-member-group'); if (in_array($group, $group_terms)) { // if it's an actual term, set it in query args $args['staff-member-group'] = $group; } $staff = new WP_Query($args); // Set up loop and format output $i = 0; if ($staff->have_posts()) { $output .= '<div class="staff-member-index ' . $group_class . '">'; while ($staff->have_posts()) : $staff->the_post(); $staff_index_classes = ''; if ($i == ($staff->found_posts) - 1) { $staff_index_classes .= " last"; } global $post; $custom = get_post_custom(); $name = get_the_title(); $nameparts = explode(",", $name); //break the name and professional degrees into two strings $barename = $nameparts['0']; //return only the name $name_slug = basename(get_permalink()); $output .= '<a href="#' . $name_slug . '" class="' . $staff_index_classes . '">' . $barename . '</a>'; $i += 1; endwhile; $output .= "</div> <!-- Close staff-member-listing -->"; } return $output; } add_shortcode('simple-staff-index', 'get_staff_index');
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