• This is a nice plugin; clean and well supported. Thank you Lakshmananphp.

    Question: Does it only work with FB Pages?

    Could it be made to work for FB Groups?

    (Sorry if this is a daft question, I don’t really do FB much, but some of the users on my site asked if our facebook group activity could be displayed on our WP site somehow.)

    Your plugin was the closest I could find to providing an answer.

    Kind rgds



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  • Plugin Author Lax Mariappan


    Hi theBadger1,

    Currently the plugin works for facebook pages.

    What’s your group id? Is it publicly accessible?

    Let me check that and get back to you


    Thread Starter theBadger1


    Wow! Quick response!

    I’ve set up a group called ‘Mulax Test Group’

    no: 484280751627852

    and set it to public.

    Plugin Author Lax Mariappan



    I am getting Facebook Syndication Error which means the group has some restriction.

    Please check the privacy settings.

    https://graph.facebook.com/MulaxTestGroup shows error. So send me the full url of the group.

    Lets fix this!


    Thread Starter theBadger1


    Apologies for delay in getting back to you LakshmananPHP – real life got in the way.

    My fault. FB group not set to open.

    Is set to open now!


    A Facebook Group. The User, Page and Application objects have groups connections.

    To read a Group, you need:

    *any valid access_token if the group is public (i.e. the group’s privacy setting is OPEN)
    *user_groups permission for a user’s non-public groups
    *friends_groups permission for a user’s friend’s non-public groups
    *Groups for Apps and Games require the use of an App access_token.


    Plugin Author Lax Mariappan



    The RSS feed url for facebook page or facebook group is same.
    We need to provide the correct ID and it should be publicly accessible.

    Your group may have any restriction yet.

    Please check it here

    You could find <access:restriction relationship=”allow” xmlns:access=”https://www.bloglines.com/about/specs/fac-1.0&#8243; /> in feed xml.

    In access tag relationship=”allow” now, but it should be relationship=”deny” for a publicly accessible page/group


    Thread Starter theBadger1


    I may have found a solution to this problem.

    I now have a facebook group feed working with FBF.

    I’ll have to go to work now, but will post what I have found soon.

    Regards, tB.

    Thread Starter theBadger1


    There is a FB app called Facebook Groups as RSS

    “Read any of your Facebook groups with your RSS reader.”


    It creates a feed that looks like this:


    It is but the work of moments to edit FBF to display this feed.

    Can you please tell me how to get this to work with a group? My client will not open the fb group to everyone. I hope there is a way to pull their fb posts into their site – I want to get them in their own space…

    Thanks so much.

    This is their fb id => https://www.facebook.com/groups/147949238567615/
    and this is their site https://www.pfrpc.com/

    Your help is appreciated!


    I’ve got the feed for my group, using the app Facebook Groups as RSS, but I can’t work out how to edit FBF to display the feed – I’ve tried, but can’t seem to get the correct coding. Could you give me some idea of what I need to change?

    (My group privacy setting are set to open. The group is https://www.facebook.com/groups/223094877746938/)


    Plugin Author Lax Mariappan


    Hi geoffm,

    Actually this should work for groups also. privacy settings may be an issue.

    This post explains about privacy settings

    Try it and let me know any issues


    Hi Lakshmanan,

    thanks for getting back so fast, much appreciated! You can see the privacy settings here:


    The group ID is 223094877746938

    Within wordpress, these are the settings I have used:


    And these are the results in the sidebar:


    So I’m not sure why it isn’t working.

    There is something which might be related. I’m wondering if FB have recently changed the way they handle RSS feeds. Within the group, there is the Groups to RSS option. This generates this feed;


    Looking at this via my normal reader, Feedreader 3.14, it works fine. But if I try to look at it via IE or firefox, it fails to load anything, and IE says it contains code errors.

    Thanks again for your help!

    Plugin Author Lax Mariappan


    Hi geoffm,

    facebook RSS does not displays feeds for your group


    Let me check it with my facebook group and get back to you

    Hi Lakshmanan,

    putting groups to one side for the moment, I’ve tried getting feeds for a few pages, using your link above, and it doesn’t work. I’ve been getting IDs from friends of mine, using:


    or whatever for the profile name. So for me, that returns an ID of 100005844427753

    So, I then use the facebook RSS link in your above post:


    and I get the syndicatione error. I get the same error with IDs of three friends of mine.

    Is this something to do with facebook, rather than your plugin? Have they recently changed the way they handle feeds?

    Plugin Author Lax Mariappan



    Facebook does not changed the feeds. May be the problem is with your facebook page. Try the widget with mashable’s facebook page id 18807449704.

    Let me know if you have any issues for mashable facebook page.

    If still there is an issue may be the problem is with PHP settings on your hosting server


    Apologies for the delay in getting back, I was away at the weekend.

    Yes, it works fine with mashable.

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