The same thing happened to me, twice!
1. Even though plugin is still activated, Eazyest Gallery disappears from Dashboard ‘main menu’ (where you’d select albums)
2. Folder ‘gallery’ is deleted together with all its contents (where the album folders and images are saved) – in my case around 375 images
3. In plug-in settings it declares you have to create the folder ‘gallery’ as if you’ve just installed plugin and have to start from scratch.
4. With ftp, I can see the ‘gallery’ folder is no longer there (deleted by whom? how?)
The first time I thought perhaps I had done something wrong. So I went on to re-install gallery folder again and re-upload all of the images (painstakingly so, as many of the captions have to be manually inserted).
This was three days ago, on the 20th. And today the 23rd they’re gone again!