Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 52 total)
  • Handoko


    First don’t panic. It is not hard to retrieve the information.

    1. Login to your cPanel and then use File Manager. You can also use FTP.

    2. Locate your .htaccess file. Normally, it located at the root directory. Save it to your local computer and open it using any text editor (Notepad for example).

    3. Pay attention on the text like:
    RewriteRule ^mylogin/?$ /wp-login.php?blablabla [R,L]

    blablabla is computer generated secret code
    mylogin is your login url

    It seems a bit hard, but all you need is examine the .htaccess file carefully, then you will found your login url.

    Good luck!

    Thread Starter ilian55


    Hi, there
    Thanks for the answer. I found it!



    Glad to hear about it.

    HI Handoko (or anyone that can help),
    I have the same problem as ilian55.
    However, I probably know less about this stuff than he.
    Where is the cPanel? So then I can do what was suggested (i Hope).
    Thank you very kindly, geoff



    Which webhost are you using?

    Most webhosts use cPanel to let user to connect their website. Unfortunately, as far as I know some webhosts do not use cPanel.

    Here is the easy way to test and login to your cPanel. For example your website domain is, you can simple add “/cpanel” at the end, so it becomes:

    Try it on your domain, but if it fails, you perhaps need to use FTP to access your website.

    Good luck.

    Thank you for your help. I had tried that, but it didn’t work. It turned out to be much more complex than I had thought, and only partly related to Better WP Security.
    Again, many thanks.



    I’m sorry that can’t help. Are you now still not able to login? If you trust me and willing to provide more information, you can contact me directly: handoko_yahu at


    how to hide login.php?

    Thanks for rep.

    another question is my BWPS is asking to add following in .htaccess

    //BEGIN Better WP Security
    define( ‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true );
    define( ‘BWPS_AWAY_MODE’, true );
    define( ‘BWPS_FILECHECK’, true );
    //END Better WP Security

    but m not able to save same in WP-config.php,

    after saving when i open WP-CONFIG.php, this two line is coming at the last

    //BEGIN Better WP Security
    //END Better WP Security

    Handoko, Thx, but my issue is resolved. As I said only half due to BWPS.

    Well, geoffg11 how did you resolve the problem ? Do you wanna share with us, I have the same problem.. what is the solution at the end

    3. Pay attention on the text like:
    RewriteRule ^mylogin/?$ /wp-login.php?blablabla [R,L]

    – blablabla is computer generated secret code
    – mylogin is your login url

    It seems a bit hard, but all you need is examine the .htaccess file carefully, then you will found your login url.

    What to examine, here is the .htaccess.. what’s wrong? Btw, secret code is no much secret when shows in url bar..

    # BEGIN Better WP Security
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    # Begin Blacklist
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    # Abuse Agent Blocking
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    RewriteRule ^.* - [F,L]
    # Abuse bot blocking rule end
    # End Blacklist
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    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^loggedout=true
    RewriteRule ^.*$ /wp-login.php?mycustomsecretcode [R,L]
    # END Better WP Security
    # BEGIN WordPress
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    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
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    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress



    how to hide login.php?
    If you’re using WordPress Better Security, goto menu > Hide Backend > Enable Hide Backend > put your new login url in Login Slug.


    I have the same problem.
    What’s the problem? Can you describe more detail?

    The line in your .htaccess is:
    RewriteRule ^mycustomadminslug/?$ /wp-admin/?mycustomsecretcode [R,L]

    secret code is no much secret when shows in url bar.
    You need to understand how it works:
    – The secret code won’t show in url if user fail to type the login url
    – The secret code only shows when user correctly type the login url
    – You can change the request code whenever you want
    – So, it’s basically safe
    – Unfortunately some hackers already know the trick to bypass this login check even they don’t know the secret code

    Thanks ,

    But after enabling WordPress permalinks, my shop page (WooCommerce) is giving 404 error.

    [Post decapped – please do not use all caps in these forums]

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