Featured Slider image disappear
I am using Canvas Theme from WooTheme and when I activate this plugin the image for the slider for the post disappears when I update the post.
Canvas isn’t a free theme, so I can’t download it an see what’s going on. I can offer up some ideas on how to try and fix it, but without actually having access to the theme itself, I wont’ be able to fix this problem. It could be my plugin’s fault, or it could be them theme’s fault. There’s no way of knowing (unless I have access to it).
It *sounds* like a javascript conflict – but again, with no access, there’ sno way I can troubleshoot it.
If you have Google Chrome, you can go to View > Developer > Javascript Console, and it’ll tell you exactly what the problem is.
Did you get this sorted yet? I’m willing to help, but I can’t if I don’t have more information.
I have’t find a solution yet using your plugin. I found one that works. But If you like I can let you in on my homepage so you can see for your self and fix the problem.To do so I need you email address.
You can drop me an email at shellyATbrassblogsDOTcom.
Hi Shelly,
You will soon have an email from my homepage. I am curious to know what went wrong.
Eftersom svenska ?r naturligtvis ditt f?rsta spr?k, jag ska ge det ett f?rs?k att se om vi kan kommunicera lite b?ttre ?? Jag ?r inte bra p? det, men jag f?rs?ker att g?ra det l?ttare f?r dig…jag hoppas att jag g?r inte en enda r?ra av det!
Jag kan inte se vad du saknar? N?r jag aktiverar mitt plugin, reglaget (som jag kan hitta – i “golf” sida) verkar fungera fint, och mina instruktioner visar upp bra. Jag ?r ocks? ute i Developer Tools, och inte ser n?gra konflikter.
Eller menar du att en bild i admin n?gonstans f?rsvinner? Jag antar att jag inte ?r klar ?ver vad som g?r fel – s? vitt jag kan ber?tta, allt verkar fungera fint. Jag har inte publicera n?got, s? jag vet inte om det ?r d?r n?got g?r fel.
I’m having a hard time seeing what you’re missing? When I activate my plugin, the slider (that I can find – on the “golf” page) seems to be working just fine, and my instructions are showing up just fine. I’m also looking in the Developer tools, and don’t see any conflicts showing up.
Unless you mean that an image somewhere is just disappearing? I guess I’m not clear on what is going wrong – as far as I can tell, everything seems to be working just fine. i didn’t publish anything though, so I don’t know if that’s where something is going wrong.
Thanks Shelly,
You are absolutely right, now it works! I must have had too much lose ends at the same time.
Hi again Shelly,
Sorry but he problem is back.
It appear when I have your plugin activated and tries to enter a new image to be in the post slider. After that I have entered the image and publish the post the image disappears. If I deactivate you plugin it will work as it should. I hope this will give you more information about the problem.
If I activate the plugin after that the post is published then the image will stay.
See under Post and Canvas Custom Settings and the tab General Settings, (image)./leif
Hm. Very strange. Let me see what the deal is – that’s so weird.
Hi –
My slider also disappeared in the last week or so. I haven’t touched the admin of my site for over a month. My front page slider shows for a split second then there’s nothing!
I’m using the Canvas theme by WooThemes. I’ve checked the slider settings and nothing has changed.Please let me know if you find a solution!
Thank you!
Carolit *does* appear it’s Canvas, and not my plugin. The error you get is:
“Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined ” as set on jquery.js – line 2. Since it’s minified, and line 2 is gigantic, it’s tossing that error because of a Canvas function placed in the theme that uses thejquery widgets and tabs (that come with Canvas):
v.extend.each (on line 2 of jquery.js)
e.widget (on line 5 of jquery.ui.widget.min.js)
(anonymous function)(on line 5 of jquery.ui.tabs.min.js)
(anonymous function) (again, on line 5 of jquery.ui.tabs.min.js)My *guess* would be that it needs upgraded. The jQuery UI is now up to version 1.10, and Canvas seems to be using an older version. (1.9.2) Have you checked Woo to see if the theme has an update available? (Yep – it looks like there is. You’re using Canvas version 4.0.5, and Canvas is up to version 5 now -it was released about 8 months ago)
@masleif – you, however, are using Canvas 5.1.3 – so I still can’t figure out why it’s doing this to you! I’m still trying to sort that out.
Yep – it’s my plugin. I’m working on a fix right now.
Just an update – I can find no reason at all why this is doing what it’s doing. It appears to be some kind of conflict with their meta box vs. my meta box. For some reason, my meta box is “blocking” their meta box from utilizing the update_post_meta() function – which makes no sens to me. The image IS, indeed, uploaded and associated with the post in question, but for some reason it’s not saving the image path in the database to show up in the slideshow (with the “image” meta key), or the URL path. Very bizarre.
I’m emailing the Woo guys to see what’s going on (I already did find one error in their code on Canvas that could be assisting with this issue – even with my plugin shut off and nothing but Canvas being used, I still couldn’t do anything with the slideshow image due to an error on line 551 of the admin-custom.php file) – maybe they can work with me to help me out. They do respond, but usually they aren’t very fast, so it may be a few days.
on the WooThemes knowledgebase, someone else had this issue (and it’s not related to my plugin at all), and their solution was to deactivate the “TimTumb” option and switch to “Wp Post Thumbnail” as the slider image option (under Canvas > Theme Options > Dynamic Images), and then just use the “Featured Image” in the post, instead of the metabox. In the meantime, that could be your workaround.
I will try to deactivate the “Tim Tumb”and see what happens.
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