Problem cache
i set up this plugin on my website but would like to disabled it but after doing that my permalinks are not redirecting as before (i have set some redirectpermanent redirections in my .htaccess file)
Do you how to fore to clear the cache from permalinks ?
The permalink finder has no cache. It does all lookups on the fly. If you have disabled or uninstalled it, then everything goes back the way it was.
Hi m8
But it seems that there is still a “cache” or something related to redirections
do you know how or where to force to clean the cache from redirections ?
I have set many permanent redirection in the .htaccess but before it worked without this permanent redirections…
for exemple, yesterday before i set up the plugin permalink i set a permanent redirection like that :
RedirectPermanent /project/a/
and when trying to access to it redirected correctly to
after i set up the plugin & deactived it i have to set some permanents redirection like :
RedirectPermanent /project/a/
RedirectPermanent /b/project/a/ have now to set 2 entries for every redirections after i have disabled the permalink finder
It’s like that there is still a cache or something
I hope you understand my problem with these exemples :/
WHO knows how to completly purge/deleted the redirections’s cache?
I want to come back to 0 with default WordPress permalinks and then put again my first permanent redirections
I don’t want to have this 2 entries for every redirections, it seems like this is redundant…
My plugin works only when there is a page not found error.
It then does a look-up on the database for a similar page and redirects to it.
It does not change the permalink structure. It does not change the .htaccess file.
I think you may have installed another permalink plugin. Is this possible?
Using FTP, go into the plugins folder under content and delete the permalink-finder-plugin folder if it exists, just to make sure that things are completely clear.
You can reset the permalinks by going into settings and then clicking permalinks. You can then change the permalink structure to something and save. And then put it back the way you want it and save. This will reset the permalink structure back the way you want it. This is completely done by wordpress and you don’t need a plugin to do it.
Hi thanks for this reply
but my question really was if there is a sort of CACHE and how to flush it please ?
.htaccess is rightly configured but as explained :
for exemple, yesterday before i set up the plugin permalink i set a permanent redirection like that :RedirectPermanent /project/a/
and when trying to access to it redirected correctly to
after i set up the plugin & deactived it i have to set some permanents redirection like :
RedirectPermanent /project/a/
RedirectPermanent /b/project/a/ have now to set 2 entries for every redirections after i have disabled the permalink finder
Thank you m8 hope understanding
There is no cache. After you disabled the permalink finder, everything is exactly the way it was before you installed it.
Ok there is no cache but how do you explained that :
for exemple, yesterday before i set up the plugin permalink i set a permanent redirection like that :
RedirectPermanent /project/a/
and when trying to access to it redirected correctly to
after i set up the plugin & deactived it i have to set some permanents redirection like :
RedirectPermanent /project/a/
RedirectPermanent /b/project/a/ have now to set 2 entries for every redirections after i have disabled the permalink finder
I cannot explain.
Permalink finder doesn’t work after it is disabled. It never changes redirections and only works when a page is not found. It can’t do anything when it is disabled.
All I can think of is that you installed another permalink plugin.
But m8, could you agree that IF i put in the .htaccess file a redirection like that :
RedirectPermanent /project/a/
When browsing to my website URL : it has normally to redirect me to
I don’t understand why it redirects by default to something like :
i need to create 2 entries for each URL that i want to finally to be redirected
it is a really strange thing…i don’t have any other plugin for redirections
in fact i was wrong
apparently the redirect permanent could only redirect a parent directory with a exact URL like :Redirect Permanent /project
this example will work, but in case of sub-directory :Redirect Permanent /project/a/
i will be forced to put a second entry like that :
Redirect Permanent /b/project/a/ finally have the redirected to
perhaps there is an another way to do dynamically rewrite url or something else
So i enabled permalinks finder plugin again
Sorry it was not a problem related with the plugin but with Redirect Permanent on the .htaccess file
I don’t know if someone here knows how to dynamically redirect a 2 directories (parent/sub-directory) to an exact URL because with the instruction Redirect Permanent we can’t manage this without putting 2 entries
I am glad it was just a technical issue. You could use htaccess to do a complicated regular expression. Unfortunately, I’ve never been good at regular expression syntax, so the easy way has to be the two separate entries.
OK thanks
i mark this topic as resolved because it was not related with your plugin
have a nice day
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