You’ve got WordPress installed in your root directory, and since you don’t want it to be the main page on your site, you’d do better having it installed in a subdirectory. (I have no idea how to make it work the way you’ve got it set up.) You can move the installation you have now by following the directions in the codex entry for Moving WordPress within your site.
If you feel like that’s over your head (I don’t mean to be insulting if it isn’t, but I’m not sure how much you know…), then in all honesty, since you don’t have content there yet, I would recommend starting over. But when you install, install into a subdirectory, like or or whatever you’d like to call it. Then you’d just link to that directory for your blog.
I’m not familiar with Bluehost – do they have Fantastico installs? If so, I believe you should have a step in the install where it asks you where to install, and you can tell it the subfolder.
If anyone’s more familiar with Bluehost who wants to jump in here, feel free. ??