conflicts with other plugins (fixes provided)
When files have been uploaded to a different location (via the
filter hook), SIW assumes they will be in the default location then fails when they aren’t.It also conflicts with wp e-Commerce, regenerating the watermarked image on every page load, continually degrading the image as it’s a copy of a copy of a copy, ad infinitum. This is not SIW’s fault, but it’s a very common plugin so I made SIW work around e-Commerce’s flaw.
function siw_add_watermark($meta){ $referer = strpos( wp_get_referer(), 'siw_options_page' ); if ( $referer != '' ) { return $meta; } //var_dump($meta); $options = get_option('siw_plugin_options'); if(!isset($options['sizes']) || !isset($options['image']) || $options['image'] == '') return $meta; foreach($options['sizes'] as $size){ // Cycle trough checked image sizes to crop if(isset($meta['sizes'][$size]) || $size == 'full size'){ // Check if given size exist $pos = strpos($options['image'], 'wp-content/'); $watermark_path = ABSPATH.substr($options['image'], $pos); $test = getimagesize($watermark_path); //var_dump($test); if($test['mime'] == 'image/png'){ $stamp = imagecreatefrompng($watermark_path); }elseif($test['mime'] == 'image/jpeg'){ $stamp = imagecreatefromjpeg($watermark_path); } // Url of processed file $file = wp_upload_dir(); $file = trailingslashit($file['basedir']); if ($size == 'full size') $file .= $meta['file']; else $file .= substr($meta['file'], 0, strrpos($meta['file'], '/') + 1) . $meta['sizes'][$size]['file']; $watermarked = $file . '.siw';//use filesystem to store watermarked status because wp e-Commerce doesn't completely save metadata if (file_exists($watermarked) && filemtime($watermarked) >= filemtime($file)) continue; $file_params = getimagesize($file); if($file_params['mime'] == 'image/png'){ $im = imagecreatefrompng($file); }elseif($file_params['mime'] == 'image/jpeg'){ $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); } else continue; // Set the margins for the stamp and get the height/width of the stamp image $marginlr = (int)$options['margin_leftright']; $margintd = (int)$options['margin_topdown']; $stampw = imagesx($stamp); $stamph = imagesy($stamp); $mainw = imagesx($im); $mainh = imagesy($im); switch($options['watermark_position']){ case '1': $posx = $marginlr; $posy = $margintd; break; case '2': $posx = ($mainw - $stampw) / 2; $posy = $margintd; break; case '3': $posx = $mainw - $stampw - $marginlr; $posy = $margintd; break; case '4': $posx = $marginlr; $posy = ($mainh - $stamph) / 2; break; case '5': $posx = ($mainw - $stampw) / 2; $posy = ($mainh - $stamph) / 2; break; case '6': $posx = $mainw - $stampw - $marginlr; $posy = ($mainh - $stamph) / 2; break; case '7': $posx = $marginlr; $posy = $mainh - $stamph - $margintd; break; case '8': $posx = ($mainw - $stampw) / 2; $posy = $mainh - $stamph - $margintd; break; case '9': $posx = $mainw - $stampw - $marginlr; $posy = $mainh - $stamph - $margintd; break; default: } // Copy the stamp image onto our photo using the margin offsets and the photo // width to calculate positioning of the stamp. imagecopy($im, $stamp, $posx, $posy, 0, 0, imagesx($stamp), imagesy($stamp)); imagejpeg($im, $file, 90); imagedestroy($im); touch($watermarked); } } return $meta; }
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