• 5thape


    Why can’t IE 7.0 read CSS as well as Firefox? I’m driving myself crazy trying to get my site looking the same on both browsers. In FF everything looks fine but in IE there are a lot of things that are off (sidebar margins, margins for headings of pages, etc.). Will IE eventually fix itself so that it browses correctly? The Web Developer plugin is a major tool I use to design my site, is there anything like that for IE 7.0?

    Does anyone have tips on how to make your sites look the same in both browsers?

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  • niziol


    I’m not sure about IE 7, but I know IE in general has some “issues” with doing things like the better browsers do! You can do up a second style sheet for IE, so you just need to add changes to it and only IE will use it:

    <!--[if IE]>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie.css">

    Just change the href to the path to whatever you name your IE band-aid style sheet. Probably not the best solution, but it saves you from going off the deep-end!

    I’d love to see all browsers standards compliant – but IE, well let’s just say that I haven’t checked the forecast in hell yet, but I don’t think it’ll be freezing over anytime soon! ??




    Ask Microsoft…. but PLEASE don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer.

    And no…. there isn’t anything like the webdev toolbar, aardvark, or inline formatting display for IE.



    IE7beta does indeed have a very useful developer toolbar.

    Based on what I read just this past week, once this “mix06” show is over I think we can expect to see the next release of the beta that will, by all reports, handle CSS much much better. For instance, see this post (not mine).

    No, I’m not a microsoft fanboi or apologist. In fact, this post was created with Firefox. :-p



    Well, since the info that came with my beta version of IE7 indicated I wouldn’t be able to a: run it with another version of IE installed; b: uninstall to revert to a previous version – I haven’t installed it. But I’ve not seen elsewhere info about that dev thing, which is interesting. Then again, I don’t hang around on IE-specific boards etc.



    Then again, I don’t hang around on IE-specific boards etc.

    Lordy, nor do I. But I’m a geek blogger and my bloglines is full of other geeks, so I do hear about it a lot. Frankly, I think they seem to be on the right track — especially if the next flavor tightens up CSS handling.



    I don’t give a rat’s behind what MS does. The only reason I give hdd space to the IEs is that I need to see how sites look in them.



    … and that’s exactly why we DO give that rat’s butt.



    Whatever…. it doesn’t MATTER what MS does. I’ll just work around it as usual.



    Whatever…. it doesn’t MATTER what MS does. I’ll just work around it as usual.

    Hahaha.. =) Yeah, like normal…lol! It’s funny but not really.. but still kinda fun though, the challenge that is..




    Yup. You hit several nails on all their various heads….

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