• Is anyone aware of a plugin for WordPress that will allow “digg”ing, ala digg.com? Users could vote for posts, and entries could be sorted by most popular rather than by date.

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  • I’m looking for something similar. Features similar to digg or slashdot. The ability to “rate stories” and add stories. And then for the most popular ones to shop up on the home page. The best I’ve been able to come up with is a rating system and then something that takes the most popular ones and displays them. Then I found something that lets you pick the “home page” of wordpress so I tried setting it to the “Front Page” which displayed the popular stories. It didn’t work quite as planned. See: https://dev.book-bee.com/

    The other thing I’m thinking is that in wordpress you can set what “level” a person is when they sign up, so you could set it so that when someone registers they can submit stories. You’ve got categories just like slashdot or digg (heck, there’s even a plugin that lets you have a different “icon” for each category like on slashdot.) You’ve got comments built it. There are just a couple of steps missing that would make it easier for anyone who wants to use wordpress to turn it into a more community based network of news, stories, whatever.

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