That is a great feature and thanks for the fast response. I am using kcite heavily and others in my department are planning on moving their websites to wordpress partly because of the ease of handling citations using kcite. This plugin is really a game changer for us.
However, in my feature request I was thinking of something slightly different.
What I would like to be able to do is to have the full citation in the middle of the blog post and not at the end in the bibliography. Here is an example from my blog:
Currently the following part of a post:
We recently published a paper on dealing with read mapping uncertainty when predicting copy number variation[cite]10.1089/cmb.2012.0258[/cite]. This paper shows….
We recently published a paper on dealing with read mapping uncertainty when predicting copy number variation(Wang et al. 2013)*. This paper shows…
Wang, Zhanyong, Farhad Hormozdiari, Wen-Yun Yang, Eran Halperin, and Eleazar Eskin. 2013. CNVeM: Copy Number Variation Detection Using Uncertainty of Read Mapping. Journal of Computational Biology 20, no. 3 (March): 224–236.
Since this is one of my papers and I would like to highlight it in the middle of the post, what I would like is the following:
I would put in my post:
We recently published a paper on dealing with read mapping uncertainty when predicting copy number variation:
This paper shows….
And it would generate:
We recently published a paper on dealing with read mapping uncertainty when predicting copy number variation:
Wang, Zhanyong, Farhad Hormozdiari, Wen-Yun Yang, Eran Halperin, and Eleazar Eskin. 2013. CNVeM: Copy Number Variation Detection Using Uncertainty of Read Mapping. Journal of Computational Biology 20, no. 3 (March): 224–236.
This paper shows…
Wang, Zhanyong, Farhad Hormozdiari, Wen-Yun Yang, Eran Halperin, and Eleazar Eskin. 2013. CNVeM: Copy Number Variation Detection Using Uncertainty of Read Mapping. Journal of Computational Biology 20, no. 3 (March): 224–236.
Essentially what I am asking for is to have the long format that is currently in the bibliography to be in the middle of the post. I am currently doing this by hand and manually putting the text of the citation in my post, but I think that this feature would be used by many kcite users.