Hi TannerFresh,
There is ‘more than one way’ to do this…
Line 1317 of the style.css reads:
#content-blog {
margin-bottom: 20px;
You could make a few changes here such as:
#content-blog, h1 {
margin-bottom: 20px;
background-color: #333333; /*try different bkgr colors*/
color: #cccccc; /*color of text*/
padding: 10px; /* a bit of 'space*/
You’ll need a few basic skills to setup, create and manage a site.
- Basic computerskills: You should be / URGENTLY become confident at creating folders, downloading and installing files, copy-paste, basic editing, saving and renaming files, making back-ups
- You should definetly be / become confident at using FTP to upload and download files to your webserver
- You should be / become confident at reading and following manuals/instructions
- learn the basics of HTML
- learn the basics of CSS
- learn about wordpress
Read more:
All this should NOT stop you from enjoying and using WP!
If ‘all the technical stuff’ you feel is ‘way over your head’, and you would rather focus on the content, your readers etc. GREAT!
Get someone who LOVES the ‘nuts and bolts’ to help you set things up.
It might cost you a few bucks, but will allow you to do what YOU are best at…