• peternwp


    Token Manager is a great idea. But it simply doesn’t work. I created a {hello-world} token along the lines of the {copyright} example. Then inserted the text {hello-world} into the HTML editor.

    But the page just displays {hello-world}.

    Can you elaborate how tokens are supposed to be used. They look somewhat like shortcodes (but appear to be different in some respects).

    As I understand the docs, putting:-
    into the HTML editor should give me a big “Hello World” heading.

    And putting:-
    …?><h1>{hello-world}</h1><?php echo ‘<h1>’ , {hello-world} , ‘</h1>’ ; ?>…
    should give me TWO big “Hello Worlds”…

    But the second example looks dodgy (how can that possibly work? – though I haven’t tried it. And the first example simply doesn’t work full-stop.

    Where am I going wrong? And some decent usage examples (in all the different places that tokens can be used – WYSIWYF/Visual Editor?, HTML Editor?, theme and PHP files generally? – would be VERY useful.

    A clarification of how all this fits in with the WordPress content filtering would be helpful too.


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