• Chris


    I’m running WP 3.5.1 on nginx as reverse proxy (apache2 as upstream)

    I try to combine several javascript files with W3 TC minify (manual) but it just doesn’t work.
    The minify core code gets added automatically to the nginx.config file but has no impact. It doesn’t work either if I add minify core code for apache in .htaccess.

    Q) where do I add the minify core code?
    Q) anyone has experience with nginx as reverse proxy and minification?

    Thank you for your help –


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  • johndoej


    As I’ve asked in another thread before songdogtech closed the thread and also said I was “hijacking the thread”: are you running wordpress under some subdirectory?

    This is a bug I can reproduce when running wordpress from /anything/, but not when running from https://www.domain.tld/.

    Please let me know if you’re running it from /.
    You can post here if you’re running it from a subdirectory:
    another bug report

    Plugin Contributor Frederick Townes


    Should not have to add the nginx code to the nginx proxy conf. It should be handled by apache and .htaccess rules. What are the paths to your sitepath, wpurl, and the minify files paths in the HTML?

    (Possibly Apache issue is lack of “AllowOverride All” ?for virtualhost <Directory>.
    Also heres an conf for using nginx as reverse proxy:

    server {
                    listen 80;
                    server_name www.xxxxx.net xxxxx.net;
                    access_log off;
                    error_log /var/log/nginx/xxxxx.net.error_log error;
                    location / {
                        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
                        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
                        proxy_set_header Host $host;
                        proxy_pass;   # IP of upstream apache or varnish or anything else
            # SSL example  Here SSL certificate attached to Nginx Proxy
            server {
                    listen 443;
                    #server_name localhost;
                    server_name www.xxxxx.net xxxxx.net;
                    ssl on;
                    ssl_certificate /etc/apache2/keys/xxxxx.net/xxxxx.net_chain.crt;
                    ssl_certificate_key /etc/apache2/keys/xxxxx.net/xxxxx.net.key;
                    ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1;
                    access_log /var/log/nginx/xxxxx.net.ssl_access_log main;
                    error_log /var/log/nginx/xxxxx.net.ssl_error_log info;
                    location / {
                        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
                        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
                        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
                        proxy_set_header Host $host;
                        proxy_pass; # IP of upstream apache or varnish or anything else
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