• Trying determine where the problem is…

    New theme installation. Trying to upload zip file… keep getting:

    This webpage is not available
    The connection to 036714b.netsolhost.com was interrupted.

    Is this a browser issue? I got the same thing using IE and Chrome. My dashboard is fine though… just can’t upload theme ??

    Any help is appreciated… Thx.

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  • Sounds like you’re connection is being reset due to PHP Script time out or similar.

    You will have to uncompress your theme and upload it via FTP to /wp-content/themes/

    Thread Starter Adsausage


    Ah… I didn’t even know I could upload via FTP!… how do I get the FTP info?

    Thanks ??

    FTP info would be from your host / web guy …

    Usually when you go to install a theme it asks you to input your ftp info..

    So it would be that info you need and a ftp program such as cyberduck

    Thread Starter Adsausage


    It’s even worse! Even though I got the FTP set up, Filezilla wouldn’t work, and SmartFTP blocks me midway through uploading into /themes:

    Server closed connection
    An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.


    it would be better you if just unzip the theme and put in WP-contents/themes directory and then activate it. make sure that your theme has index.php and style.css files

    Thread Starter Adsausage


    Sorry to be pain… I got it work using Voyager. But after activating the new theme, I got a ton of these:

    Warning: include_once(/data/26/2/49/121/2864773/user/3151632/htdocs/WordPress/wp-content/themes/goodspace_v1-07/include/plugin/really-simple-captcha/really-simple-captcha.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/26/2/49/121/2864773/user/3151632/htdocs/WordPress/wp-content/themes/goodspace_v1-07/functions.php on line 60

    — Is this a WP thing or tied to the theme?


    It means you haven’t uploaded all of the files.

    If your ftp is timing out as well you really need to contact your host and have them sort it out.

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