Logging in to my wordpress blog takes me back to wordpress.com???
I feel like giving up at this point, I’ve been trying to find a solution for days but it wont work. After talking to the team at bluehost numerous times, this is my situation.
I had a worldpress.com blog and domain, I bought a hosting spot. I transferred my DNS, I installed wordpress at my hosting site.
At bluehosts end everything is correct, they can log into my wordpress site and the links work as they shoulf. My friends in several different countries search for my blog and find a epthy wordpress site (my “New” blog). However when I try to log in, it takes me back to wordpress.com.
Even in the e-mails I got from worldpress, with the admin name and password, the link takes me right back to my own blog. No one else can find it when they search from it, but I can. Not only that, but I can edit settings, change themes, and it shows up when I go to my domain site.
What I have done thus far:
Cleared caches and cookies, re-set router, changed router, re-stored computer settings, re-installed wordpress numerous times.
when I got to https://www.visualisa.com it does not take me to my new wordpress site, it takes me to my wordpress.com site. What can I do to fix this?
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