• Everyone,

    I have updated the code to address these issues:

    • After passing SAML, you will be redirected to the proper page – instead of the WP login.
    • Users that are added are given the subscriber role

    Here is the snippet of code with the updates:

    function authenticate(&$username, &$password) {
    			global $simplesaml_authentication_opt, $simplesaml_configured, $as;
    			if (!$simplesaml_configured) {
    				die("simplesaml-authentication plugin not configured");
    			// Reset values from input ($_POST and $_COOKIE)
    			$username = $password = '';
    			$attributes = $as->getAttributes();
    			 * Only allow usernames that are not affected by sanitize_user(), and that are not
    			 * longer than 60 characters (which is the 'user_login' database field length).
    			 * Otherwise an account would be created but with a sanitized username, which might
    			 * clash with an already existing account.
    			 * See sanitize_user() in wp-includes/formatting.php.
    			if(empty($simplesaml_authentication_opt['username_attribute'])) {
    				$username = $attributes['uid'][0];
    			} else {
    				$username = $attributes[$simplesaml_authentication_opt['username_attribute']][0];
    			if ($username != substr(sanitize_user($username, TRUE), 0, 60)) {
    				$error = sprintf(__('<p><strong>ERROR</strong><br /><br />
    				We got back the following identifier from the login process:<pre>%s</pre>
    				Unfortunately that is not suitable as a username.<br />
    				Please contact the <a href="mailto:%s">blog administrator</a> and ask to reconfigure the
    				simpleSAMLphp plugin!</p>'), $username, get_option('admin_email'));
    				$errors['registerfail'] = $error;
    			$password = md5(SimpleSAMLAuthentication::passwordRoot());
    			if (!function_exists('get_user_by')) {
    				die("Could not load user data");
    			$user = get_user_by('login', $username);
    			if ($user) { // user already exists - try to log them in															
    				$user = wp_authenticate($username, $password);
    				wp_set_current_user($user->ID); //Here is where we update the global user variables
    				if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to'])){
    				} else {
    			} else {
    				// First time logging in
    				if ($simplesaml_authentication_opt['new_user'] == 1) {
    					// Auto-registration is enabled
    					// User is not in the WordPress database
    					// They passed SimpleSAML and so are authorised
    					// Add them to the database
    					// User must have an e-mail address to register
    					$user_email = '';
    					$email_attribute = empty($simplesaml_authentication_opt['email_attribute']) ? 'mail' : $simplesaml_authentication_opt['email_attribute'];
    					if($attributes[$email_attribute][0]) {
    						// Try to get email address from attribute
    						$user_email = $attributes[$email_attribute][0];
    					} else {
    						// Otherwise use default email suffix
    						if ($simplesaml_authentication_opt['email_suffix'] != '') {
    							$user_email = $username . '@' . $simplesaml_authentication_opt['email_suffix'];
    					$user_info = array();
    					$user_info['user_login'] = $username;
    					$user_info['user_pass'] = $password;
    					$user_info['user_email'] = $user_email;
    					if(empty($simplesaml_authentication_opt['firstname_attribute'])) {
    						$user_info['first_name'] = $attributes['givenName'][0];
    					} else {
    						$user_info['first_name'] = $attributes[$simplesaml_authentication_opt['firstname_attribute']][0];
    					if(empty($simplesaml_authentication_opt['lastname_attribute'])) {
    						$user_info['last_name'] = $attributes['sn'][0];
    					} else {
    						$user_info['last_name'] = $attributes[$simplesaml_authentication_opt['lastname_attribute']][0];
    					// Set user role based on eduPersonEntitlement
    					if ($simplesaml_authentication_opt['admin_entitlement'] != '' &&
    						$attributes['eduPersonEntitlement'] &&
    						$attributes['eduPersonEntitlement'])) {
    						$user_info['role'] = "administrator";
    					} else {
    						$user_info['role'] = "subscriber";
    					$wp_uid = wp_insert_user($user_info);
    					// the user should have been crated so lets confirm this
    					$user = get_user_by('login', $username);
    					if ($user) { // user already exists - try to log them in
    						$user = wp_authenticate($username, $password);
    						wp_set_current_user($user->ID); //Here is where we update the global user variables
    						if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to'])){
    						} else {
    				} else {
    					$error = sprintf(__('<p><strong>ERROR</strong>: %s is not registered with this blog.
    						Please contact the <a href="mailto:%s">blog administrator</a> to create a new
    						account!</p>'), $username, get_option('admin_email'));
    					$errors['registerfail'] = $error;
    					print('<p><a href="/wp-login.php?action=logout">Log out</a> of SimpleSAML.</p>');


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