Theme using full size image as opposed to a thumbnail
I am using a theme which is calling the full size images and then just limiting their size, which means for large images its taking forever to load. This is in the theme file
<?php if(have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); $t = get_the_title(); $title_limit=substr($t, 0, 25); $permalink=get_permalink(); $icon=''; $title='<a href="'.$permalink.'" title="'.get_the_title().'">'.$title_limit.'</a>'; $readmore='<span class="more-link" href="'.get_permalink().'"> […]</span>'; if($post->post_content != "" && $post->post_excerpt != ""){ $excerpt= $post->post_excerpt; $description= substr($excerpt, 0, 30); } else if($post->post_content != "" && $post->post_excerpt == ""){ $excerpt= $post->post_content; $description= substr($excerpt, 0, 30); } else{ $excerpt= get_the_excerpt(); $description= substr($excerpt, 0, 30); } //$excerpt= string_limit_words($description,50); //insert the description in the lightbox if descriptions are disabled $top=$imgHeight/2; $left= $imgWidth/2; $thumbnail= wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ) ); //get the image title $data = explode('/', $thumbnail); $image_title=explode(".jpg", $data[8]); if ( get_post_meta($post->ID, 'lightbox', true)){ $icon='gallery-video'; $openLink='<span class="portfolio_image"> '; $closeLink='</span>'; $span_icon='<div id="icon" style="display:none;"><h4><a href="'.$permalink.'"><h4>'.$t.'</a></h4></div>'; }else{ $icon='gallery-image'; $openLink='<span class="portfolio_image">'; $closeLink='</span>'; $span_icon='<div id="icon" style="display:none;"><h4><a href="'.$permalink.'">'.$t.'</a></h4></div>'; } $terms=wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'portfolio_category'); $term_string=''; foreach($terms as $term){ $term_string.=($term->name).','; } $term_string=substr($term_string, 0, strlen($term_string)-1); $samp=str_replace(" ","-",$term_string); $string = str_replace(","," ",$samp); $finale= $string." ".$page; //generate the final item HTML $html.= '<div class="element element'.$column.' '.$finale.'" data-filter="'.$finale.'">'.$openLink.''.$span_icon.'<img src="'.$thumbnail.'" width="'.$imgWidth.'" height="auto" title="'.get_the_title().'"/>'.$closeLink.'</div>'; } } echo $html;; ?>
[Please use the code buttons when posting code here – as is your code may have been damaged]I have set an imagesize called “mythumb” up of the size I want in the image file – but every change I have tried to make to the above has failed. Can someone help?
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