• ShaneM


    I’m working with another site to host my podcast using WP, but they want to use their banners at the top of the page, so I suggested a frame allowing us to fake keeping the site on their site.

    Here’s the issue. I cannot log into wordpress in the frame. I just brings up the logon screen again with no error, and will not allow me to get on no matter how I try. I can login in fine on fine from the normal URL.

    Is their a better solution to do so or something I need to code to pull it off?

    The test can be seen here:

    Full site:

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  • chillbilly


    Hey there…I am sorta setting up mine the same way…


    I looked at your set up and it seems fine…I think your problem may be someplace else dude.

    The problem I am tryin to figure out with the use of these frames is after an indexer crawls my site..it will pull up info into the results page on the search engine with a link to that page….that link will bring the user to that page and not my frame set page…….your gona have the same problem…after you figure out the one ya got now ?? I don’t think that the frames have anything to do with your problem.

    Thread Starter ShaneM


    I just tested this with Firefox and it works fine. So the issue appears to be with IE, which as usual is a nightmare to figure out.

    I think I might just do something else now to pull it off… great!



    yea…ya might not want ta follow that link i provided if ya need ta see a frameset-up…:)

    This mornin I was inspired ta do some moding.



    I’ve had the exact same problem. When I load the signin screen within a frame..nothing happens. when I load it in its own frams..no problem. Anybody have a way to get around this? ( I use IE as well).

    I had the same problem and resolved it with 2 html files as follows:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”>
    <title>My Site Title</title>
    <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″>
    <script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/JavaScript”>
    function MM_checkBrowser(IEvers,URL,xURL) { //v4.0
    var newURL=”, verStr=navigator.appVersion, app=navigator.appName, version = par
    if (app.indexOf(‘Microsoft’) != -1) {
    if (version >= IEvers || verStr.indexOf(IEvers) != -1)
    newURL=URL; }
    else newURL=xURL;
    if (newURL != ”) { window.location=unescape(newURL); document.MM_returnValue=fa
    lse; }
    <body onLoad=”MM_checkBrowser(5.0,’https://my-dinamic-URL&#8217;,’https://my-static-URL/blog.html&#8217;);return document.MM_returnValue”>

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN”>
    <title>MY SITE TITLE</title>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV=”Pragma” CONTENT=”no-cache”>
    <frameset rows=”100%,*” border=”0″>
    <frame src=”https://my-dinamic-URL/&#8221; frameborder=”0″>
    <frame frameborder=”0″ noresize>

    The only rule here is that index.html and blog.html must reside on the static URL server.

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