How to change category for slider?
I want slider to show specific category howi do that….here is slider code
$gazpo_settings = get_option( 'gazpo_options'); $slider_cat_id = $gazpo_settings['gazpo_slider_category']; //if no category is selected for slider, show latest posts if ( $slider_cat_id == 0 ) { $post_query = 'posts_per_page=4&ignore_sticky_posts=1'; } else { $post_query = 'cat='.$slider_cat_id.'&posts_per_page=4&ignore_sticky_posts=1'; } ?> <div id="gazpo-slider" > <ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-tabs-selected"> <?php query_posts( $post_query ); ?> <?php if( have_posts() ) : while( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <li class="ui-tabs-nav-item" id="nav-fragment-<?php echo $post->ID; ?>"> <a href="#fragment-<?php echo $post->ID; ?>"> <?php the_post_thumbnail( 'thumbnail', array('class' => 'slider_thumb') ); ?> <span class="title"> <?php $short_title = mb_substr(the_title('','',FALSE),0,40); echo $short_title; if (strlen($short_title) >39){ echo '...'; } ?> </span> <br /> <span class="date"><?php the_time('F j'); ?></span> </a> </li> <?php endwhile; endif;?> <?php wp_reset_query();?> </ul> <?php query_posts( $post_query ); ?> <?php if( have_posts() ) : while( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <div id="fragment-<?php echo $post->ID; ?>" class="ui-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide" style=""> <?php the_post_thumbnail( 'large', array('class' => 'slider_image') ); ?> <div class="info" > <h2> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"> <?php $short_title = mb_substr(the_title('','',FALSE),0,35); echo $short_title; if (strlen($short_title) >34){ echo '...'; } ?> </a> </h2> <p> <?php $content = get_the_content(); $content = strip_tags($content); echo mb_substr($content, 0, 150). '...'; ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php endwhile; endif;?> <?php wp_reset_query();?> </div>
how i make this point to specific category….please!
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