• i made one classified site by wordpress. It has regstration , login, post ad page. i have add SEO Yoast plugin and added meta tag in home page and other pages but In user profile page is display home page meta tages like title and description meta tags. Tell me what i do for user profile page meta tags.

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  • i think in the user profile itself at the bottom

    @komal_seo depending how you’ve coded this site, the author.php template should be the profile page, if not whatever template you use simply insert a conditional tag within header.php so that when template_name.php is used then it echos the custom meta you wish to use.

    if (is_page_template('template_name.php')) {
    } else {
    } ?>
    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Do not modify the theme’s files.

    Modifications to theme files will;

    • Compromise the theme,
    • Be compromised when the theme updates,
    • Make difficult debugging processes.

    Some servers automatically update themes when updates are available.

    CSS-only modifications should be implemented using a Custom CSS option of the dashboard, E.g through the Jetpack plugin‘s Custom CSS functionality.

    CSS and any other modifications should be implemented using a Child Theme.

    It’s always a shame to see someone posting a year later saying, “I made loads of changes to my website and now they’re all gone!”.

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