• Hello, I have noticed after updating WordPress that my slider is no longer sliding. Today I attempted quite a few things to resolve this, and I noticed that when I updated Custom Community, it changed my settings: the pages no longer had the slider option selected, but the slider was still there.

    So I selected the slider and now – – the captions are gone! :/

    Now I have sliders that won’t slide and are also missing their captions.

    As stated in my other thread, I have deactivated every single plugin (they will be reactivated shortly after I post this so my website can be back up – I need to get to bed…) Then I copied my older version of Custom Community via ftp back into my WordPress installation.

    None of these things have resolved the issue.

    I’ve re-updated Custom Community and the issue remains exactly the same: No sliding for the slider and no caption excerpt over the images.

    I am using a child theme with the original Custom Community and that has been working for several months.


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  • Hi Halo,

    an update of CC is sent to the WP review team already.
    The newest version should have all these slider bugs and last WP 3.5 bugs fixed.

    You can download the latest version of Custom Community @github:

    Update help
    Unpack and rename the folder to “custom-community”, then upload to your WordPress.
    Make a backup to be 100% sure you can go back if something goes wrong.

    Update via FTP:
    – go to wp-content/themes/custom-community
    – delete all contents in this folder “custom-community”
    – upload the new contents into that folder

    Update via backend:
    – compress your new custom-community folder to a zip file
    – go to your wp-admin and click on APPEARANCE -> THEMES
    – delete the old theme (your settings are safe, they will not be reset)
    – click on “upload” and upload the new zip-file from your computer
    – activate it…

    Custom Community Knowledge Base:

    Free tech support and support options @themekraft:

    Thread Starter Halo Diehard


    Yeah, I tried this last night, but didn’t get the instructions to delete all the old files and it completely butchered my website. Was up until 4 in the am trying to fix that ??

    Will try again soon using the instructions above and report back…

    Thread Starter Halo Diehard


    Yep, followed intructions to a “T” for ftp install and my website is the same complete and utter mess it was in when I tried last night without deleting the custom-community files yet.


    It looks like this whether I’m using the child theme or just the Custom Community theme. Any ideas? This is not working…

    Thread Starter Halo Diehard


    Not only is my layout now completely nerfed, the caption issue remains (no captions, as does the note to go rate Custom Community that refuses to be dismissed.

    Thread Starter Halo Diehard


    Went ahead and loaded the old version back. Still no captions or banner rotation, but at least my sidebars are where they’re supposed to be and my category pages are set up correctly.

    Hi Halo,

    I pushed some more fixes to the repo @github 2 days ago.

    Please check again, download the latest version from Github and tell me if you still run into these errors.

    1.) rating message bug:
    The rating-message bug was actually fixed some time ago, but might be you have a setup or some jQuery conflict that breaks the dismissing of the message.

    We could not reproduce this bug on different test installations..

    So, it would be great help if you can tell us a bit more about your setup and help us reproduce to fix this nasty bug!

    For example: Do you run Multisite? Is your WordPress folder in a subdirectory? You have the same problem without the child theme activated?

    You can comment directly on this ticket:

    This speeds up the development process ??

    2.) Slideshow:
    The slideshow should work after updating.

    Regarding the caption:
    You can show/hide the caption via theme settings (or page settings when adding on a single page). Maybe it is turned off or something? Just an idea..

    3.) “layout now completely nerfed” -> Content width problem i guess.. ?

    Maybe this is the bug we’re currently still working on..
    Since responsive features are added, we have some side effects when making changes affecting the content width.

    For example, as you have left and right sidebar turned on, the content will probably go too far into the right side.

    BTW, a very nasty and ugly bug, we want to fix this big problem ASAP and release a fresh update..

    A fix in your case will be to set the #content to the width you are using.

    Add this line to your THEME SETTINGS -> CSS tab:
    div#container div#content { width: 540px; }

    ** maybe it is 520px, something around this on your site.

    If you have any further issues after updating, please describe and report them so we can reproduce them on our installations, find the bug and fix it.

    Thanks for your feedback and reporting! ??

    Hope this helps and you get the problems solved quickly.

    Thread Starter Halo Diehard


    Followed your instructions and I’ve posted up at GitHub with this same profile name. Thanks ??

    One more thing I found that isn’t posted over there, that may or may not be causing you guys an issue with that container bug: you’ve renamed the div for the right sidebar, my css wouldn’t work anymore. Perhaps it’s messing with your own css?

    The name before was ‘div#sidebar.widgetarea’ and now it’s ‘div#sidebar.span4’.

    @halo Diehard,

    just read through the tickets,
    thanks a lot for the detailed reporting!

    All issues will be checked and fixed.

    Thanks very much for the good hint with the sidebar ??
    The class widgetarea seems to be missing now, will be added again if it is so.
    Or maybe you need to make your CSS stronger to make your CSS overwrite the new default CSS for sidebars. ** Anyway, will be checked first and should be as update safe and easy-to-use as possible..

    Stay tuned @github, new version is on the way!

    Cheers, Konrad

    Hi there, and sorry to bother with another similar question about the slideshow. I just updated to the latest Custom Community Version and now the picture in the slideshow is awfully strechted (its full width and you can see parts of the picture behind the preview of the other postes on the right) and the caption is off (altough I did not set it on any page).
    Can anyone help, please?
    All the best, Evelyn

    hi @landmeedchen,

    sorry for this turbulent update,
    exactly these issues are known already and more fixes are on the way!

    Please read blogpost @themekraft for more info on the
    last and next planned Custom Community update:

    very nice website by the way!

    why not add it to the showcase of Custom Community?

    ** just need to be logged in with your themekraft user account.

    have a great day, konrad

    Konrad, thank you so much for your quick help. I suppose, I just have to wait a little for an update, since this really is a bug, right?
    Thank for the hint about the showcase (and thanks for the nice words). I will upload the site as soon as I got everything fixed.

    Yeah it is a bug! You’re welcome, have a great day ?? konrad



    Hi Konrad,
    I am sorry to bother you once again. I have done some research and somehow cannot find the explanation, why the photos on the slider are still stretched and the caption cut off.

    Found your explanation:
    there could be an option to set the warping of the big image in the slideshow to off or on.

    off = like in the older version of CC (1.10 for example)
    on = like in the newer version of CC

    default = with warping like it is now..

    but again, it’s an open topic, right?
    I wish I could finally fix it.

    All the best, Evelyn



    Hi Evelyn,

    yes it’s open and will come soon!

    A fix for you now would be to add the featured images which are bigger than the big slider image resolution itself, then no stretching will happen, just cutting ??

    hope this helps,



    Well, I guess I need to wait (or try out another theme). That won’t keep the caption to be cut off.
    Anyway, thank you very much for helping!!! YOU ARE THE BEST!

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