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  • Plugin Contributor foxly


    BP-Album is the most popular, most reliable, and best supported media hosting plugin for BuddyPress.

    We created a next-generation plugin for media hosting on BuddyPress that included Audio, Video, and PDR capability, as well as multiple albums and group albums, and named it “BP-Media”.

    Unfortunately, a year into the project, some web dev shop in India decided to release a much less capable plugin and also name it BP-Media. This was very confusing. So we changed the name of our plugin to a new secret name, and will be releasing it under the new secret name in a few months once we have the name copyrighted and have all the domains and social network handles locked-down.


    Plugin Contributor foxly



    This is Rahul from “some web dev shop in India” i.e. @rtcamp.

    I just want to share 2 links here: (added on 05 Nov 2009) (added on 05 March 2010)

    It clearly shows we came here first!

    Regarding “buddypress-kaltura-media-component” to “buddypress-media” transition – in first release we had tight integration with kaltura, hence kaltura was part of our name.

    In current buddypress-media, Kaltura is add-on feature hence it is no longer part of our name.

    Every developer thinks his work is best so there is no point in asking for our opinion.

    All I can say you that, there is a demand from users to create “BP-Album to BuddyPress-Media importer”. Ref –

    You should not use “BuddyPress” in a plugin name unless it is an official BP endorsed project. Also, people like choices. I hope there will be 10 media components for BuddyPress.

    You should not use “BuddyPress” in a plugin name unless it is an official BP endorsed project.

    I am aware about such guidelines for word “wordpress”.

    Had use of “buddypress” word is not allowed, our plugin would have been rejected at the time of submission to repo here. So I don’t think there is a problem with use of “BuddyPress” word.

    Rest, choice is good for all. ??

    I’ve had this very conversation with project lead John Jacoby and I was told that even though people have been allowed to use the BuddyPress name it may not be the case in the future. By using BuddyPress in the name you are creating confusion as others may try and use the same name. The only reason plugins have been allowed to be uploaded with BuddyPresd in the name was to make it easier to find plugins. I personally removed BuddyPresd from all my plugins to create a brand around my work. You should do the same.

    I personally removed BuddyPresd from all my plugins to create a brand around my work.

    In our case, we use “rt” prefix for some of our projects but “rtMedia” is internally reserved for another project.

    Renaming BuddyPress-Media to BP-Media, might create some more confusion. I will prefer to spend more time on futures. We can work on branding once we have delivered most of the stuff from our planned roadmap.

    That being said, if JJ want us to stop using “buddypress” in plugin name, I won’t mind removing it immediately!

    John is mot going to police the internet. LOL I’m just suggesting you use your own branding in case there ever is an issue with the name and it will eliminate the current confusion with bp-media

    Thanks for suggestion. ??

    As said before, we will do branding exercise once we are done with delivering maximum features from our roadmap.


    Plugin Contributor foxly


    This is the strategy my team has adopted as well. Calling something “BuddyPress-MyCoolPlugin” is just too long, and it distracts from our brand.


    I am so confused! I am trying to make a decision on which gallery (aka album) plugin I should go with for my bp community. The names are very confusing…Could someone please list all the current plugin names and give me a quick overview of each. Here are the 3 I found, are there more? (this one hasn’t been updated for 6 months – is it still moving forward or has it been abandoned?)


    So, did “releasing it under the new secret name” ever happen? Is there a new version of bp album out?

    I’d hate to think that getting a newer plugin would wipe out all the photo galleries that all of our users have already added. NOw I am confused too!


    Not sure about status of “secret project” (successor of bp-album).

    We (buddypress-media/rtMedia team) on other created bp-album importer.

    You can get it from –

    If you decide to give bp-album to rtMedia import function a try, please have a backup in-place. Though we never received any support request for this part of code, its always good to have backup in place.

    You may come across an issue where bp-album may refuse to work on latest buddypress while rtMedia won’t work on old buddypress. In that cases, you can safely deactivate bp-album. rtMedia importer converts old data directly from database.


    This is very old thread but sticking to our words:

    .. we will do branding exercise once we are done with delivering maximum features from our roadmap.

    We have renamed “buddypress-media” plugin to “rtMedia”. “rt” comes from rtCamp (our company name).

    We contact plugin moderation team also for removing buddypress from url-slug but they said its not possible as of now. So whenever, in future, wordpress. org team will allow repo URL rename, we will remove buddypress from url-slug.

    Thanks for nice suggestion then. ??

    Is this dead then? Which gallery plugin should we all be using?
    Is this secret project happening?

    I’m about to launch a BP site and need a gallery plugin for our members but this farce between RTMedia and BPGallery is not only highly confusing but also extremely frustrating.

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