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  • Rab



    Take a little look at the post Adding the sidebar to a Twentyeleven child theme by “tgc”.

    Thread Starter wpprobs


    Thanks. I think I sort of get it. But how do I access the html so I can insert that code?

    Also, maybe this is a stupid question…. I noticed that WordPress 3.5 is available now. I am currently using 3.4.2. If I update it, will I lose any modifications I’ve made to the code? Or will my various plugins stop working? I am afraid to update it because I don’t understand what the update does…

    will I lose any modifications I’ve made to the code?

    Not if you used a child theme.

    Or will my various plugins stop working?

    Any decent plugin will have already been tested against WP 3.5 but we cannot possibly comment about plugins from less diligent plugin developers.

    I am afraid to update it because I don’t understand what the update does

    It updated the WordPress core application files. If you do not update, you run a very real risk of having your site hacked becuase it is using outdated scripts.



    You would do this via FTP and an editor like Notepad++.

    Updating to WordPress 3.5 will not lose any modifications to your theme.

    As for your plugins, you can check if they are listed as compatible with 3.5 on an individual basis. Sometimes it helps to look at the support forums for each one to see if anyone else has posted of issues.

    You can read about what’s new in 3.5.

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