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  • paste this on your header.php
    <script src=”; type=”text/javascript”></script>

    it work for me

    paste this on your header.php
    <script src=”; type=”text/javascript”></script>

    This is not good advice. You should never include your own version of jQuery. Always use the version that ships with WordPress.

    This plugin is over 2 years old and is not compatible with the latest version of WordPress. The main problem being that this plugin is using an outdated version of the nivo slider js.

    Chris is correct; the nivo slider version is outdated.

    Here’s how I fixed this problem…

    NOTE: If this plugin is updated (not likely) and you install the update, it will overwrite any of the changes I am outlining below.
    NOTE 2: I recommend you backup your site’s “plugins/wp-nivo-slider/” folder before doing the following. If something breaks, you can just put it back as it was before.

    To fix the Nivo Slider plugin with the latest version of WordPress:
    1. Get the latest version of the Nivo Slider js file by going here, and clicking the Download button:

    2. This will download a zip file with several files in it. All you really need from this zip file is: “jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js”. Copy “jquery.nivo.slider.pack” up to your website into the following location:
    – This should overwrite the current file named “jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js”.
    NOTE: You should be copying the file that has the word “PACK” in its name. Don’t accidentally copy the one w/o the word “PACK” in the file name.

    3. Now edit the following actual plugin file that is on your server:
    – In this file, around line 53, change this:
    wp_enqueue_script('nivo_slider', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/wp-nivo-slider/js/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js', array('jquery'), '2.3' );
    to this:
    wp_enqueue_script('nivo_slider', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/wp-nivo-slider/js/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js', array('jquery'), '3.2' );
    NOTE: All you are doing is changing the version number of the nivo slider so that it corresponds to the version in the new file you uploaded in step 2 above.
    – Save the file on your server.

    4. Go back to the page that has your slideshow on it and refresh. You should be good to go!

    Hope this helps someone out there.



    Tks yellowlabrat! perfect!




    After making these changes to the plugin I am finally getting transitions between slides however the transition effects are poor or do not render at all. Also, the text that was showing in each image is no longer visible.

    Any idea what the problem might be?




    That sounds really weird. Do you have a link to the page that is doing that? Maybe we can see something that way.



    The live site is you can see the slider working there on WP v. 3.3.1

    The dev site is hosted on another server and is running the latest version of WP. This one has the new js file and updated php other than that it is the same.



    I can’t see anything based on the live site.
    That one looks fine, so I can’t really tell what would be wrong with the dev one.
    Is there anyway you can do a screen capture and post it somewhere?

    From what you’re saying, the transitions work, they just seem to be going slow or look crummy? Is there one transition that works better than another? As in, the fade looks good, but the slice looks bad?



    Ok, here are the screen captures of the different transitions. Some are definitely worse than others, but none are working normally.

    Fade – – this one isn’t working at all
    sliceUpDownLeft – – this one has a lag in it

    Those are the two we have been using, but here are the others:

    sliceDown – – transition does not behave normally
    sliceDownLeft – – same as above
    sliceUp – – not working
    sliceUpLeft – – not working
    sliceUpDown – – transition lags
    fold – – transition lags

    The oddest behavior occurs when set to random –

    Again, none of them are showing the image Title and Alt Text as the live site is.



    Nice work on the screen captures!

    Can you double check on the version of both jQuery and nivoSlider that you have on DEV site?

    Navigate in your browser to the page on dev that has the slideshow, then View Source of the page.
    Search for “jquery” and you should see something like this:

    Shortly after that, you should see a line that looks like this:

    Write back with what two versions you see there.



    Jing FTW!

    Here’s the versions I have loading:



    I have jQuery 1.7.1.
    I wonder if there could be a problem with the later version of jQuery you are using.
    Is there any chance you could jump your jQuery back to v1.7.1 just to check?



    This got the fade effect working right, but made some even worse, a few still the same.



    Title and alt text of images are still not showing.



    Sorry, eljefeenterprises, I haven’t been able to think up another solution under this scenario.

    I do see that Nivo Slider has released their own packaged WordPress plugin, and it is only $19.

    That might be worth it, just to grab the supported/updated/official version and be done with all the tweaking. :O)

    Good luck!

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