Yes, it comes from:
Here’s the relavent bit from the plugin page:
Custom “My Portal” link
A common need is to display the “redirect” link for a user in the site navigation or sidebar.
Look at the function rul_register() in the plugin file for inspiration; it makes use of the redirect_to_front_page() function to determine the URL and then provides the relevant output code.
For a deeper dive into this feature, please see this video:
Basically, I’m trying to create a link, which will use Peter’s Login Redirect plugin to send user’s to specific pages. I need them to click on a link in the menu though, which then call’s the function in his plugin. Here’s the function from the plugin:
function rul_register( $before = ”, $after = ”, $give_echo = true ) {
global $current_user;
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
if ( get_option(‘users_can_register’) )
$link = $before . ‘‘ . __(‘Register’, ‘peterloginrd’) . ‘‘ . $after;
$link = ”;
} else {
$link = $before . ‘‘ . __(‘My Alpha and Omega’, ‘peterloginrd’) . ‘‘ . $after;;
if ($give_echo) {
echo $link;
else {
return $link;
I tried modifying your plugin, and was successful in adding in a #bawcustomp#, but his plugin adds additional formatting the breaks the menu’s hyperlink.