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  • JarkkoL


    I’m having the same issue. Any fixes for this?



    I made the following fix, not sure if that’s any good, but it solved the problem for me:

    $protocol = is_ssl() ? "https:" : "http:";
    $l10n = array(
    	'next' => $this->texts['next'],
    	'prev' => $this->texts['prev'],
    	'image' => $this->texts['image'],
    	'of' => $this->texts['of'],
    	'close' => $this->texts['close'],
    	'noiframes' => $this->util->__('This feature requires inline frames. You have iframes disabled or your browser does not support them.'),
    	'loadingAnimation' => $this->options['img_load'] != 'none' ? str_replace( "http:", $protocol, $this->options['img_load'] ) : $this->options_def['img_load'],
    	'closeImage' => $this->options['img_close_btn'] != 'none' ? str_replace( "http:", $protocol, $this->options['img_close_btn'] ) : $this->options_def['img_close_btn']
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