• Hi There,
    I installed the UltimateTinymce plugin and then deactivated it. Now the tinymce editor is set to 5000px (using firebug to inspect the “Add Post” page elements). The culprit is the textarea, which has been manually set to 5000px, but I don’t know where this change has been made so I can’t remove it.

    <textarea class="wp-editor-area" style="height:5000px;resize:none;visibility:hidden">

    Manually dragging the editor field to the size I want doesn’t work because the resize handle doesn’t display.

    Where is this textarea specified? Is this value stored in the database?

    Screenshot ->
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Thread Starter ecoevolver


    For some reason it won’t let me post links to google docs files…
    the screenshot is at -> https://goo.gl/4MUje

    Thread Starter ecoevolver


    Here is a screenshot of the code that is doing this. If you can tell me where this is being set I would be very grateful!!

    code screenshot -> https://goo.gl/u2htj

    I had this same issue and found this thread while searching for a solution.

    I think I found one?
    Just resize the editor window to the size you want. Apparently TinyMCE saves the last size you used for all future window sizes. So at some point it must have gotten expanded all the way (5000px is the upper limit for height) and TinyMCE saved that as your preferred height.
    You don’t even need to submit the post – you can resize the editor and close the winodw.

    At least, this has worked for me.

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