• Inspecting my admin page with chrome I see there is a script error that is showing up in the console. It says it’s at line 239

    setup = function () {
    									jQuery('#pointer-close').after('<a id="pointer-primary" class="button-primary">' + 'Allow tracking' + '</a>');
    					jQuery('#pointer-primary').click(function () {
    						document.location=&quot;https://mydomain.com/dev12/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpseo_dashboard&allow_tracking=yes&nonce=36bc1a75fd&quot;;					});

    ^ the last document.location line is 239. So this is happening in part of the wp seo script. I have no other plugins enabled. And of course, when I deactivate WordPress SEO the script error goes away.
    This code appears in my footer.

    My question is, where is this being loaded from? I also had a problem with Titles & Metas not displaying properly, which has not been answered yet. If I knew how scripts were loaded with this plugin maybe I would have a good start on diagnosing the problem, whether it be with my theme or something in WordPress SEO.


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  • I believe i have found the problem, although it is not a complete work around, and may not be appropriate in all cases…

    in the file /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/admin/class-pointers.php:

    • change line 233 from <?php echo esc_js( $button2_function ) ; ?> to <?php echo $button2_function ; ?>, and similarly,
    • change line 239 from <?php echo esc_js( $button1_function ); ?> to <?php echo $button1_function ; ?>

    this function changes special characters to HTML character specifiers (i.e ” to “) which is what causes this.

    Please note i havent fully tested this so i can’t say that it works everywhere in the admin section (which is the only place this is loaded).

    Good Luck!

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