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  • I’ve noticed the same thing. The WP-CRON is there, but does not seem to be running.

    If I run the cron task manually it works fine.

    Thread Starter Specialk72


    I’ve just reset the cron in the settings and now seems to be working again ??

    Looks like the plug-in author needs to make some changes to be compatible with WordPress 3.5.

    Seeing this on the Diagnostics/debug pages:

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/username/public_html/wp-content/plugins/post-expirator/post-expirator-debug.php on line 46 and defined in /home/username/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990

    the unix time (expiration of the post) in the database doesn’t fit with the date i choose…

    I’ve having problems too… Is running the cronjob in WP 3.5? The posts arent send to te deletebox :-(. I did get de wpdb::prepare() error… I’ve found the call in post-expirator-debug.php line 46 and line 63… I’ve added “, $post_id” in the prepare function. I’m not getting an error anymore but the plugin doesn’t work anymore :-(.

    As for the debug error, line 46 of post-expirator-debug.php should read:
    $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$this->debug_table} ORDER BYid=%d DESC", $id ));

    Unfortunately, it looks like cron is not checking every minute even when plugin settings are set to once per minute.

    If i check the cron, it states the cron job should run an hour after saving plugin settings.

    Any ideas about this anyone?

    After setting de cronjob in de hour modus, it works again. I hope de minutes issue is solved in the future.

    I am not able to reproduce that line 46 error on my installation with the latest WP 3.5.1.

    I just tested on a single WP install and a MS enabled install and it is running every minute … as there any other weird things about your setup?

    Apparently WordPress 3.5.1 fixes this problem, as the Debug page no longer gives errors, once I upgrade to WP 3.5.1. Guess sometimes it pays to ignore problems for a few weeks. ??

    – Scott

    [email protected]


    Got the same problem, updated to WP3.5.1 but nothing changes… ??

    Any ideas? Any hint? Where to set the cronjob in another mode?

    – Jens

    Sorry i didn’t reply earlier. I had to move on with the project.

    Using WP 3.5 (nl_NL), i got the error on the View Debug Logs tab unless i change line 46 of post-expirator-debug.php from

    $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$this->debug_table} ORDER BY <code>id</code> DESC"));


    $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$this->debug_table} ORDER BYid=%d DESC", $id ));

    After checking that, i upgraded WP to 3.5.1 (nl_NL) seems to have solved the issue.

    Still i think line 46 should be changed. See also:


    absolutely – this is already changed in my dev version – lots of new changes on the way!

    I’m in wordpress 3.5.1
    I’m hardly searching for this kind of plugin but…
    I’ve installed the plugin
    I add a post
    Set the expiration date
    The default time is H-1 (the default time is 8h38 but the time of my computer is 9h38)
    I’ve tried to set expiration at 8h39…. it does’t works
    I’ve tried to set expiration at 10h39…. it doesn’t works
    No error, my post is still published
    I reset the cron…. it doesn’t works
    I’ve changed line 46 of post-expirator-debug.php…. it doesn’t works

    I’ve called my host, they told me there wasn’t any problem with time

    Please, please help me

    same here,
    It doesn’t work. Please help!

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