Show only feature image on the front page.
I’m relatively new to WordPress so i’m still trying to get to grips with it all.
On my front page it shows all the content from the posts i make, but i’d like to change it so it shows only the featured image which links to the rest on the post. I’m using a theme called iRibbon if that helps.
Any feedback on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Hard to be super specific without seeing what you mean, but a couple thoughts come to mind.
– Settings > Reading can change your front page to be “excerpts” instead of the full post (if that’s what you mean by all the content)
– your theme’s front page may be generated by your themes frontpage.php, home.php or possibly index.php. If you’re comfortable with some code tinkering (consider using a WordPress Child Them first) you can do anything you want! I’d tackle this in one of two ways:
– If your theme doesn’t have a frontpage.php, you can make one and copy the code from the file it is using (WordPress has a default hierarchy it uses: and make the changes you want (like getting rid of the call to the_content or the_excerpt
– If you don’t want to create a new file you can use the Is Front Page conditional wrapper to call a different loop:
I hope this gets you off to a start.
Thanks Arley, i’ll have to look further into writing my own code for frontpage.php since i don’t have one.
Basically, the post has a few pictures, but the problem is all the pictures in the post are displayed on the front page as well. I only want the first, or featured picture to be displayed on the front page. The only example i can think of is
Would there be a quick fix to this? Or would i need to spend ages writing a php file to make this happen.
Look into that Settings > Reading thing. I’m pretty sure the_excerpt won’t show images.
I think The Chive is using a custom template there to show the title, the featured image thumbail and possibly the excerpt. Give that a shot. Showing the Full Feed isn’t a great solution if you want page views.
The only thing i could get to kind of work is by putting <!–more> after the first image, and linking the image to the post. Just seems like there should be an easier option to automatically do that on every post.
Any ideas?
And from what i’ve gathered, iRibbon theme is very uncooperative and doest like change.
…When you say “first image” is that inside the_content() (Ie, when you write the post is the image inserted in the content are), OR are you using Featured Images?
Featured images are added usually in the right sidebar of the post creation section. You can read more about them here! – These are def what The Chive are using.
Preferably i’d like to use featured images. But i’m open to use anything that would work.
When i add a featured image, on the front page it just shows a small thumbnail above the rest of the post. So i’d like to just show the featured image by itself, and maybe make it bigger since it’s quite small for some reason, and editing it’s dimensions in the function.php file doesn’t seem to have any affect at all.
Sorry if i’m not very clear, i’m still trying to get used to all of this.
I think you need to add a new featured image size. Check out the link above for a line like this (goes in functions.php):
add_image_size( 'frontpage-thumb', 300, 400 ); //300 x400px image
Then where the frontpage loop is happening you’ll add
<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'frontpage-thumb' ); ?>
You can actually slap a div with a class around that PHP then style away as needed as well.
Okay so i’ve tried everything and maybe(probably) there’s something i’m doing wrong but everything i edit in the template files or function.php doesn’t make any visual difference to my website.
This is where i’m assuming my front page loop is, could you take a quick look and see if i’m doing something wrong, missing out something or anything., for the help so far by the way. I hate being the noob that doesn’t understand anything.
I don’t think it would be in archive.php. More likely in index.php. Have you modified stuff in this archive.php page?
If your site isn’t live to the public you can find out the old fashioned trial-and-error page which template is being used: hardcode a paragraph with a made-up word! <p>Testerooo?</p> for instance. Once uploaded go to your front page and look for that wackiness. If it’s not there, that’s not your template (or at least not that view). Be sure to remove this craziness after testing ??
We have all been n00bs! No worries man, this is what the forum is for.
Hi. I’m also looking for a way to show my posts by their images only, which further information would be available by clicking on them.
Would you do me a favour about this issue, please?Regards
Sure! You’ll need some “if has thumbnail” logic like from here:
// Must be inside a loop. if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { the_post_thumbnail(); } else { echo '<img src="' . get_bloginfo( 'stylesheet_directory' ) . '/images/thumbnail-default.jpg" />'; }
This will get the thumbnail, and have a fallback. Be sure to have your permalink wrapper around the image.
If you create a new thumbnail size as I mentioned above you may need a plugin like Regenerate Thumbnails to redraw them at the new size!
Dear Arley
Thank you for reply. As I use child-theme functions.php,
How can I put the commands inside a loop in child-theme functions.php?Regards
That’s a couple questions in one!
For one thing a child theme’s functions.php will be used in addition to the parent theme’s functions.php
Secondly, the loop won’t be in functions.php. If Your current loop is in the parent theme’s content.php you can just save that file into the child theme, and modify it there.
Does that help?
Dear Arley
This is a great help.
Thank you very much
I visited
and the script you mentioned earlier was not recommended so according to WordPress guide I pasted the one below it into the body of my
post-thumbnail-template.php file in the child-theme directory. But it showed no change to the appearance of contents and title which I wanted them hidden. I appreciate any further suggestion.
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