• Hi,

    I’m thinking of using WordPress to run a site that holds race reports for a race league I’m in.

    Currently the guy that produces the reports does it all in html, based on the end game output which is in the form of a Newspaper front page.

    His reports look like this – https://www.planet-venom.co.uk/gpl/allegedly

    Could a similar look be achieved in WP ?

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  • The front-page? absolute piece of pecan pie easy.

    now, the subpages look, well, each appears to be a one-off, not a lot of consistency in the layouts, plus multiple columns.

    this is something few off-the-shelf cms’es, of which blogging apps like WP are a member, this lack of consistency is acheivable, but requires effort, which usually is the antithesis of blog s/w.

    So… i dunno.

    if your design is locked, as that page appears, i dunno. seems like you need to loose a bit of the loosey-goosey-ness and apply some styles.

    but all things are possible in CSS…

    sorry. my answer is: sure, but might be some work.

    “Could a similar look be achieved in WP?”

    The question to ask yourself is: Why would you contemplate this type of a look?

    There are many, many themes for WordPress, spend a bit of time looking here:


    I’m sure you’ll find a number which will not only suit you but will be much better then what you currently have.

    You could do this…Set on the options for WordPress to only show one entry on the front page (instead of multiple ones). Then alter the template for individual posts so that it looks how you want.

    I second the sentiments already given. Why would you want a layout as that? It’s bulky, and unpleasant to look at.

    Thread Starter ian_stanley


    Thanks for the replies.

    I agree the look as it is now is messy, but something that is similar, but neater would be required.

    The reason for this is that the race league we participate in is based around a recreation of the 60’s, so the reports would need to generate the same kind of feel – which is something I’m going to have to work on for the league site as well, as that is too modern looking. I hope to take that in the direction of something like – https://ca.geocities.com/[email protected]/

    I’ll start having a play/read up with css – found this at zen garden which looks like a promising start https://csszengarden.com/?cssfile=https://www.chrisevans.co.nz/zengarden/cpe_001.css

    You should also read up at the Codex, to get some idea of the things that you can do with WordPress. Read up about template tags, and theme creation.

    Thread Starter ian_stanley


    Yep, think I’ll need to read through the Codex quite a bit.

    Not only new to WordPress, but I only have a general knowledge of php/xhtml/css ie> I know they exist, what you use them for etc, but no experience of using them.

    So I expect it’ll be a while before I come asking for comments on my design, lol.

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