Rev. Voodoo – you wouldn’t happen to know if that folder is in the plugin folder (which makes sense)? I ask because at first I only deactivated the plugin, but after posting here and it happened again I removed it and deleted the files. I just want to make sure that it won’t happen again.
WPyologi – the link to “my” site is but you can’t see it there, since it pops up now and again and never on my computer. OTH if you clicked the link I provided in the first post the problem that does pop up now and then looks EXACTLY like that. A webpage without a CSS.
It’s a good thing to try and help and if you are in fact trying to do just that and post on these forum, you have to read all of what we post. For every poster there are many more readers, and they would be helped by the answer from Rev. Voodoo, and not by your reply. I’m not trying to be an ass, but to others who could help a reply might indicate that the questions is answered which it is not, and we who ask questions might miss out on the resolving answer. Not everyone use the checkbox “Mark this topic as resolved”.