• I run a wordpress site for a friend on my home hosting box (ubuntu server running a standard apache2/mysql LAMP install). A week ago I encountered a serious hardware error with my server (motherboard bit the dust hard) and ended up having to recover the sites directly from the hard drives via another machine (No off site backups… something thats gonna get remedied ASAP). I mounted the drives, tar’d up the data and scp’d it to my temporary server running a fresh installed lamp server. I tried to mirror the original install environment as best as possible but have the feeling i got something wrong in the middle. On the temporary server I have the site up and running but most of the images are not showing. The site is a mix of wordpress uploaded images and some FTP uploaded images. All files under the upload directory are currently chmodded to 777 and owned by the proper user accounts. I can view the images through a direct link but not the thumbnails on the site.

    Now, I dont personaly know very much about wordpress and the way it handles files (I have always built my sites by hand for the coding practice) but from looking at the code under edit pages it looks like possibly a plugin or database setting is screwy. The code I am referring to is below:

    [image_frame size="full-third-short" image_path="https://www.casshensley.com/wp-content/uploads/gravitas1.jpg" description="" link_to_page="https://www.casshensley.com/?page_id=1549" target="_self"]

    If anyone has any ideas on how to address this issue or even a hint at where to look next please let me know. The original site in question is https://www.casshensley.com

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  • Thread Starter gotsanity


    A little more info:

    The site has several pages with this issue going on. Ive tested linking new images into pages (and that seems to work fine) but almost every page on the site has several if not all images broken.

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