Thanks a ton. I quickly got to that page but there is no category section to choose. These are the mentions including excerpt below. Not sure which ones I should change to content.
/* @ Posts */
.fpost .post-excerpt .post-thumb.img {margin-right: 13px}
.fpost .post-thumb.img { margin-right: 20px;}
.full_img {margin-bottom: .8em;}
.clip .post-excerpt .post-thumb.img {margin-right: 10px}
.clip .entry-title, .clip .metabar { padding: 0; }
.clip .post-excerpt {
/* Posts Meta & Excerpts */
.hentry, .fpost .post-excerpt {font-size: 1.03em; line-height: 1.67em;}
.clip .post-excerpt{ font-size: 90%; line-height: 1.6em}
.clip .metabar{font-size: 75%; line-height: 1.6em}
/* Sidebars */
* @ Paragraphs
p, .p, .hentry ul, .hentry ol{margin: 1.6em 0;}
.entry_content :first-child, .post-excerpt > :first-child{margin-top: 0;}
.post-excerpt > :last-child, .entry_content > :last-child {margin-bottom: 0;}
p {hyphenate: auto;hyphenate-before:2;hyphenate-after:3;hyphenate-lines: 3;orphans:4}
p span.pullquote{text-indent:0;}