• satyaki



    This question may sound very elementary to you, but I am finding this very difficult to execute.

    I am using the plugin ‘Blog in blog’ to show multiple posts in a single page.

    I wish to use the Digg Digg social share buttons below each of the post excerpts. How can I do that?

    Please help.


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  • Thread Starter satyaki




    Please help me on this regard to solve my problem.




    Disable the BLOG-IN-BLOG Plugin and go to “Normal Display” in the Digg Digg settings. You will find the options you’re looking for there.

    Thread Starter satyaki


    Hi Hullbay,

    Thanks for your reply.

    But I need to display all my posts from a category ID = 4 in a single page.

    How can I do that without the plugin ‘Blog in Blog’?

    Please help.

    Thread Starter satyaki



    I need to show the social sharing buttons below every posts shown in a single page.

    I did some research and found that the ‘blog-in-blog’ plugin that I am using to show multiple posts in a single page has a option of modifying the post template.

    The current post template that I am using is as shown below………

    <!-- fragment of html for post template. This file will be deprecated... -->
    <!-- blog-in-blog Version: %bib_version% -->
    <div class="post">
    <!-- Post Headline -->
    <div class="post-headline">
    <a title="Permanent Link to %post_title%" rel="bookmark" href="%post_permalink%"  target="_blank" id="%post_id%" >%post_title%</a>
    <!-- Post Body Copy -->
    <div class="post-bodycopy clearfix">%post_content%</div>

    How can I modify this template to include the Digg Digg social sharing buttons?

    I am not much of a technical person and look forward to your help.
    Please help me.

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