Contact Form 7 Multi Column Layout HELP!!!
Hey everybody.
Im very new to WP & CF7. Ive purchased a premium theme for my business. Im trying to design and install a CF7 form. Here is the code I’ve come up with so far.<TABLE> <TR><TD>First Name*[text FirstName 30/]</TD><TD>MI*[text middle-initial 5/]</TD><TD>Last Name*[text LastName 31/]</TD></TR> </table> <tr><td><strong>Primary Address</strong></td><td>Street Address*[text StreetAddress 75/]</td><td>Optional (Apt #, Suite #, Floor, Building)[text Optionalaptfloorbuildingcompanyetc. 75/]</td></tr> <table> <tr><td>City*[text city 32/]</td><td>State*[select* menu-695 include_blank "Alabama" "Alaska" "Arizona" "Arkansas" "California" "Colorado" "Connecticut" "Delaware" "District of Columbia" "Florida" "Georgia" "Hawaii" "Idaho" "Illinois" "Indiana" "Iowa" "Kansas" "Kentucky" "Louisiana" "Maine" "Maryland" "Massachusetts" "Michigan" "Minnesota" "Mississippi" "Missouri" "Montana" "Nebraska" "Nevada" "New Hampshire" "New Jersey" "New Mexico" "New York" "North Carolina" "North Dakota" "Ohio" "Oklahoma" "Oregon" "Pennsylvania" "Rhode Island" "South Carolina" "South Dakota" "Tennessee" "Texas" "Utah" "Vermont" "Virginia" "Washington" "West Virginia" "Wisconsin" "Wyoming"]</td><td>Zip Code *[text* zip 10/5]</td></tr> </table> <table> <tr><td>Home Phone* [text HomePhone id:HomePhone watermark "xxx-xxx-xxxx"]</td><td>CellPhone* [text CellPhone id:CellPhone watermark "xxx-xxx-xxxx"]</td></tr> <td>Your Email (required)* [email* your-email watermark "[email protected]"]</td> <td>Best Time To Contact You? [text ContactTime watermark "Example: Mon-Fri, 3-5pm"]</tr></td> </table> <TABLE> <p>Product(s) of Interest (check all that apply)*<br /> <TD>[checkbox plantationshutters "Plantation Shutters"]</TD><TD>[checkbox woodblinds "Wood Blinds"]</TD><TD>[checkbox poliblinds "Poli-Blinds"]</TD></TR> <TR><TD>[checkbox tropicalwovenshades "Tropical Woven Shades"]</TD><TD>[checkbox rollershades "Roller Shades"]</TD><TD>[checkbox solarcontrolfilms "Solar Control Films"]</TD></TR> <TR><TD>[checkbox cellularshades "Cellular Shades"]</TD><TD>[checkbox pleatedshades "Pleated Shades"]</TD><TD>[checkbox sheer-weave "Sheer-Weave Shades"]</TD></TR> <TR><TD>[checkbox verticalblinds "Vertical Blinds"]</TD><TD>[checkbox romanshades "Roman Shades"]</TD><TD>[checkbox specialityshaped "Speciality Shaped Blinds & Shades"]</TD></TR> <TR><TD>[checkbox custom bedding "Custom Bedding"]</TD><TD>[checkbox drapery "Drapery"]</TD><TD>[checkbox valances "Valances"]</TD></TR><TR><TD>[checkbox Motorized blinds and shades "Motorized Blinds & Shades"]</TD><TD>[checkbox Silhouttes "Silhouette Shades"]</TD><TD>[checkbox draperyhardware "Drapery Hardware"]</TD></TR><TR><TD>[checkbox colorconsulutation "Color & Paint Consultation"]</TD><TD>[checkbox stageing "Staging & Design"]</TD><TD>[checkbox interiordesignassistance "Interior Design Assistance"]</TD></TR> </TABLE> <TABLE> <p>Which room(s) do you want to decorate? (check all that apply)*<br /> <TD>[checkbox formaldiningroom "Formal Dining Room"]</TD> <TD>[checkbox FormalLivingRoom "Formal Living Room"]</TD> <TD>[checkbox GreatRoom "Great Room"]</TD> <TD>[checkbox FamilyRoom "Family Room"]</TD> <TD>[checkbox Basement "Basement"]</TD></TR> <TR><TD>[checkbox Bedroom "Bedroom(s)"]</TD> <TD>[checkbox mastersuite "Master Suite"]</TD> <TD>[checkbox studyoffice "Study/Office"]</TD> <TD>[checkbox keepingarea "Keeping Area"]</TD></TR> </TABLE> [checkbox* your-country use_label_element "Sign up for Window Trendz email updates about new products, services & special offers."] <p>Please provide any additional information regarding your decorating project that you feel may be useful.<br /> [textarea OtherDesignNeeds] [button text="NEXT" link=""]
My first problem is the big spaces between checkbox fields. Im trying to get my form to look exactly like this link here:
Can ANYBODY please help me? Thanks.
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