It’s working fine for me.
Using WP 3.4.2 and SEO version Albeit it the tag sitemap shows last modified in 1970!, but Google & bing pick-it up fine.
Sounds like a possible conflict with another plugin, or incorrect settings in SEO dashboard ?
Stickypods general sitemap seems to work ok –, as do some of dumplingsphotography – & &
marndou11 your sitemap seems to be live –
For your interest I also use a secondary sitemap generator, so it may be worth trying this one as well –
Don’t forget you can resubmit your sitemaps through webmaster tools on Bing and Google. You get a tick to show when it is accepted and live in the webmaster tools section. If the full url link to your site-map is incorrect it will show an error. You can submit more than one site map to Google & Bing
Liyak – you also have your server open to public view, you need to change your server settings to lock your directories down. Some nice images and large file sizes -I picked a random one from your database (1,477,630 bytes)Locking down will help prevent the birthday cakes mum from getting free pictures from you ??
Hope some of this info might be useful