Hi chouby . Thanks for your answer. I wrote this yesterday to manage translation import when setting up the site.
I my case I need french and english translation :
require_once( ABSPATH.'wp-content/plugins/polylang/include/admin-base.php');
require_once( ABSPATH.'wp-content/plugins/polylang/include/admin.php');
* Manage translation object for initial import. Need the string reference, the french translation and the english translation
class Translation
public $termReference ;
public $termTranslationFr ;
public $termTranslationEn ;
public function __construct($termReference, $termTranslationFr, $termTranslationEn)
$this->termReference=$termReference ;
$this->termTranslationEn=$termTranslationEn ;
}//end of class Translation
* Manage translation import. Imports Translation objects.
* This class allows to import translation to polylang backoffice. polylang sets options in wp3_options.
* Query to see how polylang options : select * from wp3_options where option_name like 'polylang_mo%'
* This import mechanism his largely inspired by the 2 followings methods of polylang located in wp-content/plugins/polylang/include/base.php :
* function mo_export($mo, $lang)
* function mo_import($lang)
class TranslationImporter
private $tableTranslations ; //contain all Translation objects to import
private $moFr ; //MO object for french translation
private $moEn ; //MO object for english translation
private $polylang_mo_fr_code='polylang_mo251' ;
private $polylang_mo_en_code='polylang_mo253' ;
public function __construct()
$this->moEn = new MO();
$this->moFr = new MO();
$this->tableTranslations = array();
* adds a Translation object to
* @param unknown $translation the array tableTranslations
public function addTranslationToImport($translation)
* import translations from tableTranslations attribute to the french MO and english MO attributes.
public function importTranslationToMo()
foreach ($this->tableTranslations as $row)
//make_entry('reference string ', 'translation')
$this->moFr->add_entry($this->moFr->make_entry($row->termReference, $row->termTranslationFr));
$this->moEn->add_entry($this->moEn->make_entry($row->termReference, $row->termTranslationEn));
* Update polylang options from the mo attributes which has been fill in with the importTranslationToMo method
public function updateOptionsFromMO()
$stringsFr = array();
foreach ($this->moFr->entries as $entry)
$strings[] = array($entry->singular, $this->moFr->translate($entry->singular));
update_option('polylang_mo'.'251', $strings);
$stringsEn = array();
foreach ($this->moEn->entries as $entry)
$strings[] = array($entry->singular, $this->moEn->translate($entry->singular));
update_option('polylang_mo'.'253', $strings);
}//end of class TranslationImporter
* This main script imports translation into polylang.
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/wp-load.php') ; //use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] to refer to WP root while ABSPATH isnt yet set.
$start_time = microtime(true); //calcul exec time for fun
$TranslationImporter = new TranslationImporter();
//add the translations to the importer
$TranslationImporter->addTranslationToImport(new Translation('annuaire', 'annuaire', 'adress book'));
$TranslationImporter->addTranslationToImport(new Translation('vos commentaires', 'c fr ', 'c en'));
$TranslationImporter->addTranslationToImport(new Translation('INTRANET INTERNATIONAL', 'fr ', 'en'));
$TranslationImporter->addTranslationToImport(new Translation('Evénements clients', 'Evénements clients', 'customers event'));
$TranslationImporter->addTranslationToImport(new Translation('ref', 'fr ', 'en'));
$TranslationImporter->importTranslationToMo(); //generate MOs in the importer
$TranslationImporter->updateOptionsFromMO(); //update WP options from MOs importers
echo 'end of translation import. execution took : '.(microtime(true) - $start_time).' seconds.';