holy crap! 93 MB db: how to reduce?
Hi, I have to migrate my database for a 4 year old wordpress blog.
I have a backup script that runs daily. However, I just noticed today that the ^#^$#^$ db sql file is 93 MB big. And I really don’t keep a lot of comments.
That is humongous, and most of it is from a web statistic analyzer, statraq which I disabled a year ago. About midway through the file until the very end, everything is statraq transactions like this. Is it safe to just delete this section to shrink the db size?
Midway through the .sql, file, it goes:
— Table structure for tableb2stattraq
CREATE TABLE b2stattraq (
line_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
session_id varchar(128) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
access_time datetime default NULL,
ip_address varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”,
url varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”,
article_id varchar(128) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
user_agent varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”,
browser varchar(64) default NULL,
user_agent_type int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
referrer varchar(255) default NULL,
search_phrase varchar(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (line_id)
— Dumping data for tableb2stattraq
—INSERT INTO b2stattraq (line_id, session_id, access_time, ip_address, url, article_id, user_agent, browser, user_agent_type, referrer, search_phrase) VALUES (1,’f6541b209f68f3283a649eecdb121c19′,’2004-11-28 13:33:08′,’′,’/weblogs/idiotprogrammer/index.php?’,’0′,’Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0′,’Mozilla Firefox’,0,NULL,NULL);
transactions recorded.etc for 45 more megabytes!
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