• Resolved bgentry


    Earlier versions of WordPress allowed users to set the featured image for a post from the media upload screen. A link for “Use as Featured Image” appeared right next to the “Insert Into Post” button.

    It seems that this was dropped in 3.5 beta. I can still set a Featured Image back on the post screen using the Featured Image box, but I don’t see a way to set an image as the featured image at the time of upload.

    Was this removed intentionally, or can it be restored?

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  • same problem here

    Yes, same here. Needs added back.

    I think #21776 may be covering this, but we’ll see what they say.

    Still have the same problem in 3.5-beta2-22455

    For what it’s worth, according to the info given by developper Koopersmith in a recent UI chat:

    koopersmith: Detangling the various media workflows was a large priority in the redesign, so currently setting the featured image is not available from the insert media button. With the recent structural changes, there is a chance that the ability to set a featured image will surface in a tab, but given everything else, I wouldn’t count on it for this release.

    TomAuger: Are you saying there will be _no_ set featured image, or that it will be in another control?

    koopersmith: Another control, triggered from the meta box. It already exists.

    @manuel Thank you for the info…

    Another control, triggered from the meta box. It already exists.

    Metabox exists, but it does not allow to actually set featured image – it’s open “insert into post” dialogue, but there is no option how to actually set selected image as featured. Hope this will be resolved… I hope indeed that we will have new media UI in 3.5

    I guess “It already exists” means: it’s already implemented in the code, but not visible to the user yet…

    oh! that would be great

    foralien, you just happened to see a few bugs as the main media UI was ironed out. As of about ten minutes ago, the featured images meta box should be running shipshape (that is, if you’re running trunk and have SCRIPT_DEBUG turned on).

    Practically speaking, the featured image meta box will be testable in beta 3 and tomorrow’s nightly build.

    To answer the original question, we removed the link from the “upload/insert” window intentionally in an effort to guide media towards a more streamlined experience (as opposed to a crowded buffet). I think the new UI has reached a point where we can consider adding featured images back into the mix, but that probably won’t happen in time for 3.5.

    The good news is that regardless of the outcome, adding featured images back to the modal can be done in a plugin (which I may build as an example following the release of 3.5).

    I am not too familiar with WordPress, however I use to be able to ‘set a featured image’ in a new post. As far as I can tell the option is no longer available. Is someone able to help me find it?

    ccotman: you can set a featured image (which includes uploading a new one, choosing an existing one from the media library, and everything else you’d expect) from the Featured Image box on the edit screen. The only change is that it no longer appears on the upload/insert media screen.

    Thank you Amy. Which edit screen are you referring to? The ‘post’ edit screen I am looking at on our WordPress template no longer has the Featured Image box. I use to always upload the image through that box you refer to and then set it as the ‘featured image’. Since about two weeks ago the Featured Image box does not appear in the post screen. May I access it from another location?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    The ‘post’ edit screen I am looking at on our WordPress template no longer has the Featured Image box.

    Go check your screen options and make sure “Featured Image” is checked.

    The “Featured Image” option is not available under screen options ;( The strange thing is that for the posts done in the past where I was able to set a featured image, the image is still appearing even without the Featured Image box. Therefore, it must be somewhere…just don’t know where!

    It is not available for me to turn on either. This is a big Issue since my template uses them.

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